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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Maybe some do. Don't hold it against them and be all bitter about it. 👍
  2. I agree with that. I've no doubt she will be one of those attention seeking folk who provoke and then start crying when held to account. Bit like the attention seekers wearing rainbow clothing in Qatar.
  3. I had a traumatic experience by NOT being in a union.... Do keep up. 👍
  4. With respect that particular pastime is reserved for the left wing activists... 😉
  5. But none of that is stopping you from doing what you want, regardless of how you may want to dress it up. Cod psychology? I've always found that to be just folk carping on about something extremely fishy.
  6. I did. Never looked back. No unions, no bitching, no whining.... Love it.
  7. Horrendous case. The calmness he displayed when confronted by the police is quite surreal. He will have a rotten remaining existence, thank goodness.
  8. I used be employed by the post office, worked at the main offices in Pond Street. I didn't want to join the union and word got around and I faced animosity from fellow colleagues to the point some completely ignored me. My parents eventually persuaded me to join as it was getting me down so I paid my dues. It's nothing more than a racquet. I know for a fact that when strikes did happen, apart from the ultra left, the majority just wanted a few days off to either go fishing or sit in front of the t.v. As a side note, I've never experienced a more set of whining, childish and bitchy workforce in all my working life.
  9. Sorry M, but what absolute cobblers. The people in the UK have the option to be or do whatever they want within the parameters of the law. Whether they take that option or not is entirely their decision, it's nothing to do with " knowing their place" You sound really bitter, with respect.
  10. Margarine Thatcher.... I like it. After all she made certain decisions to help spread the wealth around.
  11. So to summarize. It has absolutely zero affect on your life.
  12. I wouldn't say it's shybo, a bit dry maybe. Nothing a good helping of homemade gravy wouldn't cure.
  13. In what way does the Royal family's reign over you affect your life? Quick tip.... It doesn't.
  14. Crikey. I would think twice about paying that to visit Turkey.
  15. Just a show to tick boxes. Just like the Olympics, World cup, Oscars and Grammy's, it's becoming a PC/political platform where life's miseries can pretend they care. Viewing figures will go down and down, but they still will not learn that folk see through it all. Pathetic really.
  16. It's at room temperature when it goes hard. To be honest there is not a great deal of difference, maybe it's a little more dense and tastes cleaner but if I didn't get it for free, I would not be paying 3 times the amount to purchase natural honey. It's like most things that are homemade or natural, you have it in your mind already even before you have tasted it that it's better!!
  17. Waste of money. What happened to people having common sense? Oh I forgot, it's the 21st century..... Everyone has to be brainwashed into thinking there are problems so they can make excuses and blame something else. We are creating a society full of absolutely weaklings.
  18. For what's it worth, my neighbour has bee hives, every year he gives me honey and it's runny. I keep it in my cupboard and within about 6 months it goes hard.
  19. Labour could have Jeremy Beadle as leader and they would win the next election.
  20. I would like a really good petrol chainsaw. One that doesn't take about 50 pulls to start the bugger.
  21. That was funny. Apparently. The double standards are quite something. But we all know that deep down don't we. It's funny or assumingly ok to be vile to certain political figures and celebs, but when the boots on the other foot, you will find faux outrage, the same rent a mob and those sanctimonious, pretend to be all virtue celebs jumping on the permanently outraged frothing band wagon. It's as predictable as Lilly Allen crying online for more clicks And folk fall for it.
  22. You might be right. Whatever happens during my remaining years on this clown planet, it will be amusing if nothing else.
  23. Apparently so in Leicester... https://news.sky.com/story/leicester-up-to-10-000-could-be-victims-of-modern-slavery-in-textile-factories-12027289
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