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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I personally think the bloke is a bit of a knob but the over reaction is both ridiculous and predictable.
  2. What a fantastic world cup. Surprising results Great games. No violence. No stabbings. No shootings. No muggings. An African team reaching the semi finals.... And a final that was just amazing. And yet the Western world try to preach on how to do things!!! You couldn't make it up. Maybe we could learn from Qatar.
  3. Truly awful performance yet again. What on earth do these employees actually do in training all week? Why does every single pass to our forwards have to be with their backs to goal,? DM and his staff have ridden their luck so many times this season due to poor opposition, and the very fact we are incredibly 3rd is down to us having a couple of match winners and the complete dross that we face most weeks. The tide is turning Darren. It's time to sort it out and quick. It's not the forwards that need sorting, they get no service. Smith, Gregory and Wilks are proven goal scorers in this league. They must be pulling their hair out that their manager is so negative.
  4. Turkey, stuffing, sprouts, cauliflower cheese with lashings of gravy. Christmas pudding for dessert. Can't wait.
  5. I am a member of many forums and without any shadow of a doubt the left are more insulting and foul mouthed. Many are incapable of accepting that they may be incorrect so resort to personal insults. The left are excellent at being all shouty and have an amazing talent for holding up placards and being violent. Not too sure if it's because they are just miserable or if they are bored. I guarantee that no labour supporter has had a brick or eggs thrown at their window because they have a Vote Labour poster on display. We all know that wouldn't apply if you had a Vote Conservative in your window. It's that simple.
  6. That rag The Guardian has a negative story everyday about either Musk or twitter so he must be doing something right.
  7. There are so few right wing comedians because they get cancelled. No venue wants to take the risk of hosting them due to lefties protesting, stamping their feet and yelling like petulant children. It's not worth the trouble. Trust me. 😉
  8. Not me, I want them to keep sensationalising their poor lives, because more and more folk all over the world are now wising up to what complete and utter money grabbing vile individuals they are. Love it.
  9. So why don't these ordinary working people vote labour if they will make everything right? As I've mentioned earlier, they keep losing elections....why?
  10. I've absolutely no problem with folk who want to smoke weed, but smoking it on the street or in a public area just makes them look a bit of a scratter. Each to their own though.
  11. According to that satirical rag The Guardian people are staying in bed to keep warm just like the Grandparents in Charlie and the Chocolate factory. It's in their Heat or Eat diaries section. 🙄 What did all these folk do before central heating?
  12. It's all just a massive Anti government protest by the left wing unions, they really couldn't care about the people they represent. To have all these strikes at Christmas is just a completely selfish course of action that will backfire massively as the majority of the public will see them for what they are, childish, petulant loud mouths with placards. Maybe if the trains were clean, the toilets suitable for their customers and they actually did a better job, they might get paid more.
  13. What about all the other elections they keep losing? Apart from the Blair years they ain't won many since the end of the war have they? I just don't understand why they keep losing seeing as they always promise things will be much better. It's almost as if folk can see through them.
  14. What I don't understand is if Labour are this amazing party that will make us all live in this utopian society......why do they keep losing elections? It's baffling.
  15. With the amount of chances the owls strikers get, it wouldn't matter if they had Messi up top. They live off scraps.
  16. I am guessing he would not have given up a international arms dealer for a drug smuggling convicted domestic abuser though.
  17. I am personally finding it all extremely amusing. With every passing day, the pair of them are amassing millions of folk who are now finally starting to see through their sanctimonious fake nonsense. It's proper.
  18. I remember the Holmes on Linscott, and the Twelvetrees. Not keen on Chatfield, never was.
  19. 25 people tried to take over Germany? Aye, ok.. 😂😂
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