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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Absolutely vile. No arguments there. See how easy that was. 👍
  2. They just would. Do you think Americans would let that happen, don't be daft. Even Republicans would revolt. Let's see eh? I don't think he will win in November anyway, not even close.
  3. I really haven't, I am not the one twisting on trying to defend folk who attack policeman and then run home crying and trying to fool folk to cream some cash. You found any videos of EDL members punching coppers yet?
  4. I've no doubt he will have folk who donate, just like Greta Thunberg will to enable them to travel and give speeches.
  5. This is my point I guess. Others will not let it happen, whether Republican or Democrat. America would be in flames if he decides to not have more elections....it's not going to happen regardless of what he says.
  6. In what way, in general you mean? Yes, I am a rather happy chappy.
  7. No. Don't get angry with me pal just because you have been shown up for defending the chaps who attacked the police, and have now been shown to be nothing more than vile scum who want to cream some money off the tax payers. Anyway, I will not bother you further as you might school me.
  8. I don't think folk are disputing the policeman went OTT and deserves punishment. I personally don't think it's anything more than dismissal though and maybe a community service programme.
  9. Indeed. It's funny, my missus has just said ,"it's true"😂 Imagine getting worked up over a comment like that!!
  10. Does that mean they kill gorillas also?
  11. Thanks. So I am gathering he doesn't own a million pound mansion.
  12. Where's this and is it common knowledge of it's value?
  13. Desperate stuff. Nice to know you recognise the problem though. 👍
  14. Show me a video of members of the EFL punching the crap out of the police and I will give you my opinion. You hate white coppers, we have now established that. At least I now know what kind of person I am debating with.
  15. Don't blame him, England is a right mess at the moment!!
  16. But he schooled the cops cause he's reet hard and dat.
  17. But apparently he tried to fix the last one, didn't help him much did it.
  18. Bingo. Eventually it comes out, took a while to keep your mask from slipping but there it is. What we all know about you, how embarrassing. I bet you love that fact the coppers got attacked don't you.
  19. To clarify.. No way on gods green earth will Trump stop elections if he wins in November, that's just nonsense. He will not assist Russia to invade more of Europe. George Clooney does not rule, although he isa big player for the Democrats. Pelosi, well I just find her abhorrent. Hope that clears things up.
  20. Yes, and he will face the consequences. It's really good seeing what happened before though isn't it, kinda shut many folk up. Don't you think?👍
  21. Oh there will be plenty of self loathing white folk living in the peaks ( really white areas obviously) who will be making some excuses for their behaviour.
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