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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Just losing self control, regardless of the situation, I have on many occasions.
  2. Have you never lost self control, even for a few seconds?
  3. Looks terrible and it's over the top obviously. However, who would be a cop these days? Permanently on camera, teased, attacked, bullied, and assaulted, I challenge any person to keep their cool whilst dealing with all these obstacles. They are only human. I've absolutely no doubt what so ever there will be folk out there who want the police to assault them so they can put a claim in. Personally, I don't know anyone within my circle who has ever had a problem with the police, never been shot at, never been hit, never been assaulted, but then again, myself and my circle obey the law. Weird eh.
  4. Well now Labour are in control poverty will cease to be hopefully. When they fail to accomplish this, maybe the self righteous will finally realise that the responsibility lies with the parents. It's a shame Marcus Rashford spends millions on cars and jewellery as all that cash could really help the kids.
  5. Not too sure to be honest, just bought the cheapest box available. I can still taste it now!!
  6. Owen Jones really dislikes Sir Keir doesn't he... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jul/24/disciplining-mps-voting-children-poverty-keir-starmer These hyperbolic words just show what a whiney, melodramatic odious turd Owen Jones is. "It is hard to imagine Starmer is unaware of the fact that Osborne devised the policy to stoke public hostility towards and create a Victorian caricature of the undeserving, overbreeding poor. No decent society punishes children for choices they have not made and parents should not be punished for having more children. In Britain in 2024, kids turn up to schools with bowed legs and heart murmurs because of malnourishment, but a vast cost is also imposed on society as the scarring effect of poverty produces lasting lower productivity and employment levels"
  7. Good stuff. Avoid Green Tea though, vile.
  8. She has definitely hit the ground running.
  9. Yes, there were no attacks due to mental health issues ever, until the conservatives came to power. 🤦
  10. Not married.....I reckon she does but now I am starting to wonder... Green bloody tea!!!!
  11. Had a bit of a dodgy belly earlier so the missus says get some green tea whilst you are out, I've never had it before and apparently it would help. Well, I can honestly say I've never tasted owt so brutal, why on earth would anyone drink that? It tasted like some fake cheap perfume you would buy in Turkey. So now, I've got a mouth that tastes like Hai Karate and still a dodgy belly.
  12. It's like those " baby on board" stickers folk have in their car. Oh in that case then I will not crash into you.
  13. She had to, it was a catastrophic failure.
  14. Indeed. I lose the plot if I hear the neighbours dogs barking...being a fellow insomniac I am sure you understand!! Got the Zopliclone from my GP on Friday. Ive had a half each night since and they do help but only still managing 4-5 hours sleep. I really don't want to slam a whole one down.
  15. Well obviously, but I really don't think the millions of feral parents that inhabit this planet care about that.
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