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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Would that be the same Clooney who loves to preach to others about helping the poor but owns a property portfolio fit for a king including a 15 million pad in Berkshire and the largest private property in Lake Como worth an estimated 100 million......That Clooney?
  2. My chauffeur, Ferrero Rocher, Caviar and 3 ply soft toilet rolls.
  3. So what, it's not like it's doing him much harm is it. You are acting as if it's a gotcha or something. I highly doubt he will need benefits and other help from the government that can be affected with a felony against your name.
  4. Are you one of those that thinks any criticism of a woman is misogynistic and any criticism of a black person is racist? If so, how incredibly condescending.
  5. Love freebies. Most of my house contents are freebies either through work or giveaways. The amount of decent stuff folks throwaway is scandalous.
  6. Never once even thought about internet dating, just seems a bit weird to me. Obviously I understand that it works for others.
  7. Would you believe in 56 years apart from visiting the football ground with Sheffield Wednesday, I've never been.
  8. Off to the beach in a short while, it's too hot at the moment..... absolutely roasting on the Black Sea coast, uncomfortably hot. Meeting up with my partner, apparently muscle season is upon us so she wants muscles and white wine. I keep telling her I can provide the muscles but she just giggles and says " but I want something to fill me up"
  9. I believe during those disgraceful riots in the UK in 2011 ( I think) Sheffield was one of only two or three big cities that didn't have disturbances, made me rather proud. I think Cardiff may have been the other.
  10. I don't really have any thoughts on her as she just seems so vanilla. I've watched a few of her speeches and it's hardly inspiring is it.
  11. Councillor Ali stated..... "Farage is in America commenting about a community he knows nothing about. As he has done time and time again he seeks to use tensions to further societal division for his own political gain" The same councillor Ali who said on winning the election standing with a Palestinian flag... "We will not be silenced. We will raise the voice of Gaza. We will raise the voice of Palestine." He then went on to shout "Allahu Akbar", meaning "God is the greatest" in Arabic. Our hero.... 😂
  12. Aye, Golf ain't the most exciting spectacle is it. What a job though.
  13. Didn't realise you were in hospital, best wishes for a speedy recovery Cressida.
  14. Backflips? But they have been persecuted and we are dropping bombs on them so let them have some fun by burning our buses, destroying our neighbourhoods and throwing bricks at our police. #bekind
  15. Hulk Hogan was pure intended comedy, Kid Rock on the other hand was embarrassing.
  16. Sorry to burst your bubble but.... Those folk wearing the cheese hats are from Wisconsin. Their American football team are called the Green Bay Packers and their fans are called cheese heads due to Wisconsin producing lots of cheese.
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