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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Don't many prisoners get degrees or diploma's whilst in prison to help them find employment when released...all at tax payers cost?
  2. I heard a stat that Spain or Spanish teams have won all their 27 finals of either the World cup, Euros, champions League, etc...and the only time a Spanish team lost, it was to another Spanish team!!!
  3. Excellent player, obviously has a massive ego. He was very disappointing this past few weeks.
  4. Indeed. Many, many folk made thousands of pounds. Are you suggesting it was Bidens team that may have arranged the shooting?
  5. At least the traffic is lighter!!
  6. The heat and humidity of ones bath makes the odour and molecules travel much quicker into your nostrils hence why the smell when one cracks one out in the bath tends to be more potent.
  7. Bit like Eastern Europe right now. Going to be 40 where I shall be tomorrow, it's unbearable out of the shade.
  8. America is a fantastic country, don't be put off by what you read and see.
  9. CNN, or more that numbskull Anderson Cooper was slating him for raising his fist in defiance rather than running to the car. " He had to get a salute in" Ain't they just pathetic.
  10. Regardless of their political persuasion they might have just hated Trump so much after what they are spoon fed that they wanted to eradicate him. It's like we are living in some weird fantasy movie at the moment what with everything going on in the world... Maybe England will win a tournament!!!
  11. Totally unsurprising with certain left wing media outlets brainwashing the naive that he is Hitler reincarnated, he will abolish democracy, and help Putin invade more of Europe. CNN even now are having a go at him for waving his fist whilst being led away. A shame the Trump thread was closed due to someone being vile.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jul/12/watching-england-will-be-another-grievous-ordeal-but-sit-back-and-soak-up-the-vibes The Guardian just can't do an article on the success of the England team or their fans without it turning into a xenophobic circle jerk. Why do they dislike England so much.
  13. Romania is absolute stunning, I spend a lot of time there and also Bulgaria, both have places of stunning beauty. They both have beaches, mountains and scenery to make you gasp out loud.
  14. He will be forced to stand down at some point. The Dems will try anything to keep Trump from office so Mr Obama should be expecting a call to run for president in his wife's name.
  15. After the hassle of last time in trying to find a parking space I will definitely be arriving in something smaller so hopefully that will be some much needed relief to ones back passage. Do you offer valet parking?
  16. No chance, Cressida doesn't have that nasty bullying streak that you have. Her spelling errors will be more human error rather than due to being intoxicated.
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