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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. He said Johnson, not Jackson!!! And it's one of their main headlines πŸ˜†πŸ˜† https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/16/trump-gets-name-of-his-doctor-wrong-as-he-challenges-biden-to-cognitive-test
  2. Glad to see you agree it's annoying. Hence why folk mention it about Rayner. Thanks for clarifying.
  3. Will give it a listen later. I've always loved " Harbour" by Moby and only realised it was Sinead who was the lead.
  4. On the contrary, I dislike the constant hard life stories as if she is somehow special to have made a success of herself. Nothing in my post is an attack against her sex.
  5. It's funny because I've been eating it most mornings for about 3 weeks now and over that period I've started to appreciate Sinead O'Connors music and found myself looking at Citroens on eBay. Hopefully it's just a passing phase.
  6. So are my and others criticisms of Raynor but it doesn't stop the left from frothing about misogyny. It's almost as if there is a blind bit of hypocrisy going on....I am shocked πŸ™„ Only museli and a banana for me this morning.
  7. There it is.πŸ™„ If their views don't align with yours it's less serious.
  8. Terrible, we saw violent actions only this week towards a political figure didn't we. Still, it was a bloke, and he is right wing so it's mildly amusing. Are left wingers who demonised Patel and Braverman Misogynists?
  9. Who is attacking her because she is a woman? Folk are having a go because of her gob, hypocrisy and politics.
  10. She is 42, but has a son from a previous marriage. No way are we having a child I am just giving my thoughts. Her son is 13 and we have a great relationship so I will make do with that!!
  11. What's their sex got to do with it? I see this accusation on other forums by lefties and I find it odd that because she is a woman and you criticise her, it's obviously because you are a misogynist. It's lazy and also incredibly condescending to women. It's going down that silly road of calling someone a racist because they criticise a black person, it's pathetic but unsurprising.
  12. For most of my adult life I've thought this way, and still do in the main, however. A couple of years ago one of my mates kids came and watched t.v with me, climbed onto my knee and just layed on top of me and eventually fell asleep, it was lovely. I can only imagine if that were your own, the feeling must be ten-fold. Coming home from work and never experienced my kid running up to me to welcome me home is something i will regret, not something that keeps me up at night mind but a wee regret.
  13. I think my one big regret is not having a kid, because I think I would be a fantastic dad.
  14. She was too busy crawling over broken glass and savouring the orange she got for Christmas.
  15. Just to add, many a time I drive through Europe, and especially in Germany and Austria on the motorways there is literally no where you could pull in if you break down. I sometimes get really nervous as if your car or especially a van or truck suddenly broke down you have no where to go and not only would it create absolute chaos it could really endanger your life.
  16. I think he is too busy pontificating about how Sheffield Wednesday football club should have the Ukrainian flag on show at Hillsborough to show they care, because obviously if you have flags waving about it means you care more than those that don't. πŸ˜”
  17. But predominantly left wing as researchers have alluded to.
  18. All very interesting, however... ChatGPT, the popular artificial intelligence chatbot, shows a significant and systemic left-wing bias, UK researchers have found. So are those results and findings coming from a certain viewpoint?
  19. Rather common? It looked absolutely monstrous. The roughest folk going had them up, trust me I know.
  20. Oh, I see now. Those paragraphs were from a wiki page I posted yesterday....goodness knows why they appeared on your postπŸ˜†
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