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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. With respect, as much as I have no time for these far right whoppers, they are not the reason security is off the scale at airports and concerts are they? Highly unlikely to blow you to smithereens now.
  2. It's completely what we eat. I highly doubt folk that live in the jungle or on remote islands suffer with heartburn and cancer. The amount of pesticides and processed poo we shove down our gullets is ridiculous.
  3. Evening Mel, good to see you posting again. I know. The context was very clear.
  4. So what do you think the reaction would be if Farage responded... "I am sure if I don't get elected Mr Chakraborrty will be there in his bandhgala rubbing his little brown hands with glee" Well, we know exactly what the reaction would be don't we. Racism does trigger me yes, I am surprised it doesn't you to be honest.
  5. Let's hope the Guardian journalist apologises also. I highly doubt it though.
  6. Must admit, I didn't really know as much as I should about the D Day landings so I've spent the last hour reading up about it. It was quite something, it really was.
  7. Farage has definitely gotten under their skin. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/06/dont-underestimate-faragism-this-election-hes-a-virus-infecting-uk-politics "Everything about that sequence would have the man in the boating blazer rubbing his little pink hands in glee" Casual bit of racism thrown in there, still that's ok for the Guardian as it's a white bloke and he be right wing.
  8. I though that Car stereo was well worth 50 quid!!
  9. Some proper heartbreakers amongst that lot. Good grief.
  10. Guessing no one wants to be her boyfriend so she's gone for the publicity stunt for attention. She sounds just delightful.
  11. A question asked by millions. I am guessing it's because they are race baiting, sexist, perma frothing miserable losers, but some seem to like it.
  12. To all those being blase about everyone using the same toilets....how many of you would be comfortable watching your young daughter going in only to be followed in by a couple of blokes? Toilets should be separate for males and females. We have managed perfectly fine for years, why change it?
  13. The mouth is the best tool to hide your real emotions. He is just a little squirt in my opinion trying to be clever, just like the BBC presenter who Elon Musk absolutely destroyed when he tried to be clever.
  14. Why would he be laughing he got under his skin? I thought the BBC were right wing according to the left.
  15. He is right wing so it's ok, he is fair game Jo Brand, that lovable lefty even got away with suggesting it should be battery acid thrown at him.
  16. Where was the meltdown? The BBC blokes smile hides the fact he is completely annoyed.
  17. Interesting.. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/01/younger-voters-far-right-europe
  18. At home is ok, keeps the toes warm.
  19. I have 3 pairs!! Love em, so comfortable. However, if I was caught wearing socks with them then yes I would expect to be sectioned.
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