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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Like back in 2010 you mean? Who were in government up until May that year?
  2. I think Conservative supporters should be generous and understanding of the obvious joy and wind ups that the left are now experiencing. Years and years of being on the losing side obviously takes its toll hence explaining the bitterness, nastiness and a penchant for childish behaviour against the victors. I for one will be applauding their victory come the 5th July as hopefully it will be the start of a change in their personalities and they will once again be calm, rational and adult like when having discussions. 👍
  3. Crikey, wouldn't want to be tipsy walking past that, send me over the edge! What's it supposed to denote or symbolise? I can see a finger and nail. Not my cup of tea at all, but each to their own.
  4. You are being hyperbolic again. No one is obsessed or particularly bothered by him but that doesn't mean folk shouldn't talk or give their views about him. Why is it bothering you so much that people have an opinion on him? You earlier correctly stated that he is entitled to his opinion regardless of whether you agree with him or not, so why does it bother you than others have an opinion?
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-67076341
  6. Fair enough. What's your opinion of the BBC refusing to call Hamas terrorists?
  7. That's correct, no need to apologise. 👍
  8. Who says he bothers me? Strange thing to ask. 🤔 It's a forum and the discussion is about Gary Lineker and folk are giving their input.
  9. Completely disagree. Can't think of one person I know who likes him and it's nothing to do with the BBC or Murdoch!
  10. Indeed. So you must be tired of losing arguments then as I can't think of any other poster who attacks other members with insults as much as you Mafya.
  11. Or maybe he is a target because lots of folk disagree with his views? It could be that simple rather than thinking it's some conspiracy.
  12. Worst, Bacon and cheese!!!! There should be a prison sentence for such behaviour.
  13. I wanted to be a private detective when I was younger!!
  14. The usual likes. Tar Mac Bacon. Fresh laundry. New plastic footballs Dislikes. Rape seed, Cats bottoms Tripe The smell of my neighbour cooking snails
  15. I dread to think about you opening a can of corned beef!!
  16. So basically you are saying that some of the reasons are not to do with finance but life skills? I am not against food banks, far from it, it's a wonderful idea and will help many genuine folk who are struggling. I guess the cynic in me just automatically thinks of the multitude of folk who abuse it.
  17. From the previous year? Understandable I suppose, would much rather fancy my chances tackling an anti-Semite nutter than a Qassam rocket.
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