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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Of course you are. Even though she has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Deary me! The fact she was second in the public vote must have really annoyed you, as blatantly seen with your posts.
  2. Two cows in a field. One says to the other... " You worried about that mad cows disease?" " Don't ask me I'm an elephant " replied the other.
  3. Indeed. I bet a bottle of water and chewing gum is about 10 euros though!
  4. Love it me. It's hilarious. The funniest aspect of this year's bonanza was the self righteous lefties wearing Palestinian headscarves protesting and trying ( and failing) to disrupt a show of mostly self righteous lefties and also failing to persuade the contestants to boycott it!!🤣 It was rather telling that the poor Israeli lass who has been subjected to horrendous bullying was very popular and gained a top five position due to the public vote. The silent majority speaks again. The UK entry was not only embarrassing but oh so predictable! Can't wait for next year.
  5. Abbey Laner here. Fond memories. Mr Staniforth was my footy coach, I remember he looked a bit like Magnum with his tache! I played for Abbey Lane for a few years. A kid called Michael Count was a star up front!! I can smell his chewing gum now! Mr Clark the head master was lovely bloke
  6. I don't think I've ever read a food review that has made me salivate as much as that one. An excellent, honest and professional review which is now in my brain bank for my next visit to Sheffield. Going on your review my first trip would be to the Grinders union I think.... especially for the cheese sauce. Nice one....Gosh I am so hungry now!
  7. There is no doubt a Big Tasty is Tasty but it just kept repeating on me for about 48 hrs! I definitely got my money's worth. Not had a Burger King in years. I also consider myself a burger expect and from one to another....do you agree that Burger joints nowadays try too hard to be different by just adding so many ingredients and sauces that you spend the following 2 hours cleaning your chin and fingers, some are just impossible to eat, it's ridiculous? I love McDonald's because I sometimes just want a good old regular cheeseburger without all the other stuff.
  8. Absolutely love a Big Mac and fries!! Treat myself once a month, although I had a double cheeseburger last time and that was up there also. The coffee is also excellent.
  9. Never been married, I am now 56. Had a few long relationships and had plenty of ups and downs in those. It's all par for the course isn't it? How you resolve them is the important part I guess.
  10. It's more than just a tree though. It has special memories for lots of folk, loved ones ashes spread under the tree for starters, proposals, an emblem for the North East, was featured in a movie Robin Hood with Kevin Costner and I believe was the most photographed tree in the UK. Whoever cut it down should face around 5 years in prison in my opinion. It was a act of needless vandalism and disgraceful.
  11. I am so happy right now, feeling all warm and toasty and so proud to be an owl. I think the 7 beers is a factor mind!! Danny, Danny Rohl........
  12. Damn right. Her bloody Coach handbag cost me a few hundred quid, I want my money's worth!!
  13. No sympathy for anyone getting hurt if they break into another person's home. If someone broke into my home I would grab my baseball bat and give it the missus, tell her to go and investigate whilst I hid in the wardrobe.
  14. There's a kangaroo eating a martian at Meadowhall? What!!!!
  15. Bottom starting to twitch. It would be so Wednesday to lose today with Birmingham and Plymouth winning so I've had a few quid on that scenario. My predictions have been way off recently so I am going to go for a 3-1 victory for Sunderland. If we play anything like last week we should be fine.
  16. When I watch folk drink whiskey it looks lovely and I would really like to enjoy it but it makes me wanna heave. I've tried it so many times as my step father used to have some lovely malts but unless I slam it down like a shot, I just can't drink it and that's just a waste.
  17. Lovely. Does anyone not love egg and chips with bread and butter?
  18. Used to play snooker a lot when I was younger, no issues. After two frames now my neck is killing me, I suppose the two frames taking about 3 hours doesn't help mind!
  19. I can highly recommend The Poseidon on Abbey Lane opposite the Abbey pub. I know for a fact their frying oil is changed regularly. They do a good lunch deal also.
  20. I never said it was! I was just stating that this park has had issues before, and I witnessed it as I worked opposite on Rustlings road ( not Rutland) a while back.
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