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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. It's been happening for years. I used to work opposite on Rutland road and when the fun fair was erected in the park it always attracted trouble makers in the evening. Back then ( mid- late nineties) the problem was young Asian lads, not too sure about now. It's a lovely park obviously now ruined by feral parasites.
  2. What nonsense. I am right wing and many others I know are and we all think he is an absolute whopper with very extreme views. Take your blinkers off.
  3. Sounds just delightful, a proper heartbreaker that one!
  4. I bet they are still about that price!!!
  5. But back then, I couldn't afford one at Lodge Moor.
  6. Indeed. Where were all these cheap houses for peanuts because obviously I didn't find them?
  7. So what is it then? Folk high on medication or folk not having access to it?
  8. Explain the free education please as I don't understand. Houses were not cheap when I bought mine, I had to borrow for a deposit and get a mortgage. Cost of living, I will give you that but I remember not having the boiler on all the time due to the costs and my parents always telling us off for keeping lights on. I've never seen so many new cars on the streets, I had to buy an old banger as did all of my mates and we all worked, do you see Gen Z driving clapped out old cars? Check out Facebook, it's full of Gen Z folk on holiday.
  9. Gen Z do have the same benefits as the other generations. You do know that Scandinavian countries have a much higher suicide rate than us? What have Gen Z had taken from them, what did I have (Gen X ) that they don't?
  10. I need a good 20 minutes rogets, any advice?
  11. Will Gen Z not benefit from massive inheritance from houses now being worth 3 times more than they did 20 years ago and predicted to go even higher? What did Gen Z do to deserve that apart from luck?
  12. Could this be a case of those that make a spectacle/a big fuss usually get what they want much more than those who accept the rules?
  13. What's got into folk these days? Is it too simple just to say it's the fault of the internet?
  14. The spoilt entitled attitude of Gen Z is nothing to do with not being able to open your iPhone. I find that generation nauseating at best and gosh they are so boring.
  15. Indeed. Some folk are just so entitled and have basically everything done for them, it's why the Gen Z generation are absolutely hopeless and start wailing as soon as something becomes a little difficult.
  16. I concur. Did some contracting work in and around the Merthyr area, still gives me nightmares 30 years later!!
  17. Newport- Burngreave. Not much in it to be fair 😉
  18. Not so good for the public though.
  19. Give over, forums wouldn't be half as much fun if that was introduced.
  20. He has another 16 years to do for another rape I believe. He looks shocking already, can't see him lasting that long to see freedom again.
  21. The bloke ain't getting out of prison.
  22. 10 now on the trot, scored 4 in their last 3 games. I didn't go mad, had a fiver on it, the cash out is now is 80 quid and I am rather tempted but going to let it run I think.
  23. Anyone remember Bobby's kebab shop next to the old Governor hotel in town, it was on the corner about 100 meters from Henry's wine bar? They were just lovely.
  24. The Sam Allardyce of international management. I hope you had a punt on Donny for promotion @ 80-1 as I advised?
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