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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I think it more than this tiny minority are rather violent and loud so let's pacify them rather than risk assaults or vandalism.
  2. I read about this a while back. It's really quite pathetic but eye opening at the same time, but it's just the way the Western world is going. I have reassurance that not everywhere is as pathetic. I hope she wins her case, but it's just the beginning isn't it.
  3. This is why I carry a pea shooter. It's especially more satisfying though when it hits those tight cycling shorts that Joshua and Tarquin wear whilst cycling two abreast.
  4. https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/thousands-people-uk-are-out-work-due-long-covid Almost 2 million people in the UK are estimated to be living with long COVID – after-effects of COVID that can persist for months or even years after the initial infection. Common symptoms include fatigue, breathlessness, muscle and joint pain, cognitive impairment and sleep disruption. People with long COVID also have a higher risk of developing serious heart and lung problems, stroke and blood clots compared to those who have not previously been diagnosed with COVID. Studies from multiple countries have found that long COVID is linked to an increased likelihood of not working. For example, US research found long COVID was associated with 23% higher odds of being unemployed and 16% lower odds of working full-time (25% for those with cognitive symptoms). We analysed data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to assess the situation in the UK, and similarly found long COVID to be strongly associated with being out of work.
  5. Apparently people with Long Covid are 25% more likely to be unemployed.
  6. I would like to flush those pointless, aggressive, yapping dish rags down the toilet whilst still alive. I say this as an animal lover and one who spends much of his time rescuing dogs........I can't stand them.
  7. I honestly don't know what the gay community could have done to be honest so I think that's unfair. It's strange that the only folk who ain't got mental illness issues are the folk who claim to be the opposite sex to what they actually are, apparently they are just fine!
  8. Indeed. My 2 middle aged friends who are gay are absolutely sick and tired of it all, they find it all incredibly false and nauseating.
  9. The extremist Muslims are peed off with everything and everyone. Just ugly with no mates or girlfriends so they join a gang.
  10. Started early I see. Remember, 2 paracetamol, a strong brew and take a walk, stop embarrassing yourself. 1,2,3,4,5,6.
  11. I just knew it would be the rights fault, and rich folk, obviously.
  12. It nevers leaves some of us but the come downs and watching daylight come up are just too much the older you get. Just the odd bottle of wine is good enough for me these days.
  13. I am guessing they have solved all the serious crimes like murders, stabbings, rapes, assaults etc. I think they should be applauded for that.
  14. Not at all, I am rather slim. There we go, you got there in the end. Carry on.
  15. Well tell me then, educate me. I would like to know. Then you can tell everyone how Americans behave.
  16. I've no idea. What that's got to do with anything I've no idea but knock yourself out. I lived in the states for years, in what way should I behave, or for that matter, please enlighten us oh sage one..... How do Americans behave? This should be good, my American partner and i Iook forward to your answer with great anticipation, especially as you have never stepped foot outside of the UK. How do you mean?
  17. You can talk about your family history until the cows come home if it makes you feel better but the fact still stands that I and many English colleagues spent every St Paddy's day breaking up scraps between the Irish, (who were also colleagues) in bars up and down upper Manhattan during the 90s, particularly he Limerick lads ( stab city) who always ended up in a pile on with the Belfast lads. Thing is, come the following day at work they would all be sporting cuts and bruises yet were all mates again. Funny as owt it was. Not sure what makes me a bigot, but if it makes you happy and calms you down then that's ok.
  18. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about have you. When was your visit to the states that has led you to come to this preposterous conclusion or is it what you see on the telly?
  19. Wind your neck in. No one would dispute that England has some absolute whoppers. I said in MY experience, just like your opinion is your experience. Your last paragraph and language basically sums up your blatant bias and inner anger towards the English, but we are no stranger those opinions from you are we. Many a St Paddy's day has seen myself and other Brits trying to keep the peace between the Irish once they have sank a few when I lived in New York . That's not being a bigot, that's just a fact pal. Deal with it.
  20. Don't be silly. In my experience the English are too busy trying to stop the Irish kicking each other black and blue on St Paddy's day.
  21. I doubt most of the countries in the West would have the balls to stand up for their national flag. I would love to see Nike try and alter the Turkish flag. Cowards.
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