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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Not really bothered if the top has the flag on or not. But if it does have the flag on, it should be the actual flag not some redesigned patronizing drivel about uniting and inspiring. Who exactly is it meant to unite and inspire who can't get that from the proper flag? Divvies.
  2. What if their other properties are not empty, is that ok? Not disputing what you say, it was just an observation.
  3. Why is it wrong to have more than one property? How do you mean the NHS would be worse off without immigrants? I thought the NHS was in a complete mess at the moment, could that not be down to immigrant workers? Maybe their work ethic is different?
  4. You had a T- shirt on? Pathetic. A real man would have had a white tank top only.
  5. It's only in the West, Australia and North America that this absolute nonsense is tolerated. And yet have the nerve to preach to other countries how they should behave and do things.
  6. I can assure you that breaking down on Clapham Common one morning during rush hour causing that much chaos it made the traffic news... Was anything but character building!!
  7. True. It just wouldn't surprise me if they just reuse the coffins.
  8. Do people think the these really expensive coffins are actually burned during a cremation once the curtain closes?
  9. And yet thousands upon thousands of folk with these morals and attitudes are being welcomed to our shores by the same folk who find their views abhorrent. Go figure.
  10. The good news now though for men is that many women want to go out and work Mon-Fri, this means that more men can be house husbands, a job that I would love. Stick the t.v on, press a few buttons to do the dishes and laundry, feed and bounce a kid on my knee whilst watching t.v, have a nap before I start prepping for dinner, go to the shops for a bit, meet a few friends for coffee whilst the kids play. Off home, make dinner, get the wife to satisfy me even though she is absolutely knackered from being on the building site all day, press a few more buttons for the dishes and then moan about me having a hard day before I get my 8 hours sleep in, because I get the wife to wake up if the kid needs anything during the night. Lovely Jubbly.
  11. Folk need to use the " overhand tap" method. Old geezers who were in the next urinal always covered their todger and use to tap it at the end. Overhand Tap. Now it's the shake the crap out of it generation, flying everywhere!!
  12. Sounds incredibly selfish to me. Imagine bringing a child into the world when you can't afford to bring it up, it may starve or get a disease because of poor hygiene. Unbelievable.
  13. Do folk who are now over 65 really think their best years are ahead of them? I just find that odd as I know that mine were much better when I was younger, carefree and had no medical issues to worry about.
  14. He has previous convictions for sexual assault with an underage girl so obviously he is a complete wrong un. No doubt he will get a bit of attention in prison. On a separate note regarding this new law.... If, hypothetically I had received a picture of a private area from an ex-girlfriend, or I had sent a picture of my erect todger to her.....and we broke up...... could either of us as we now really dislike each other, take it further?
  15. I've not bought one for years. I am guessing the new microwave rices have made them less desirable.
  16. I remember those Cressida, they were terribly messy and you always got a scolded hand when cutting open the bag! My brother used to do his in the kettle!!
  17. If you are the person who invented the 2 minute microwave rices then I salute you. Complete game changer for me and many others I know.
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