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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I didn't think folk from Liverpool wanted to be English? Wish they would make their minds up.
  2. Loose women will have her as mum of the year.
  3. Wouldn't it be much quicker to tell us who is wasn't.?
  4. https://thesybarite.co/women-private-members-clubs They look lovely. But they wouldn't let me in. But I am completely ok with that, It's really not important.
  5. They don't need, it's just something for the Guardian to get angry about,
  6. They do have their own clubs Cressida, many of them.
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/mar/18/garrick-club-bastion-male-elitism I see the Guardian is getting it's knickers in a twist....(oops, sorry, undergarments) about The Garrick Club in London being a men only club, obviously a dig at white old men is compulsory so no surprises there.....so, what's the big deal? It sounds like a place where I wouldn't want to go but what's the problem about men having their own club? Are men not allowed a safe space, or a place to go without women there.....why not? Do women really want to go into this place or is it just to cause fake outrage? There are many women only clubs, at least 6 in London alone, do men complain about that, of course they don't, so why can't men have a club purely for men? https://www.thehandbook.com/londons-best-women-only-private-members-clubs/ Why is the Guardian not making a big deal of Women only clubs?
  8. "You just have to accept that other people have different views from you" Ring any bells?
  9. This is my favourite Bob Geldoff controversy.. During mid-November 2008, a local for-profit organisation, Diversity@Work, invited Geldof to Melbourne, to speak about Third World poverty and the failure of governments to combat the crisis. It was later revealed that he was paid $100,000 for his speech, which included a luxury hotel room and first-class airfares. Complete and utter fraud, still he will be counting his millions ( 200, reportedly) whilst lapping it up at his massive mansion in Faversham, Davington Priory valued at 1.8 million. He must really really really care about famine.
  10. Close game yesterday, the owls held their own for about 15 minutes.
  11. It's something I've never really thought about but it does seem a good idea.
  12. Indeed, and that Palestinian Keffiyeh is an absolute must at the student union. It's proper edgy n stuff.
  13. Because it wasn't fashionable. Palestine is all the rage with the self righteous. It's that simple.
  14. I think the main criteria for a professional protester is.... A. Be really ugly. B, Be really angry with no personality or life. C, Have rich parents D, Pretend you care about stuff when deep down you really don't give a monkeys. E, Have the latest iPhone even though you pretend to care about the environment and slavery. F, Dye your hair a really silly colour as to stand out because no one gives you any attention in the real world. G, Have spots.
  15. Yo would get more kudos if you didn't just link stories from left wing sanctmonious rags.
  16. The vet costs in the UK are disgraceful, they exploit people's emotions.....IMO.
  17. It's in good hands. I will be taking it to the vet I use next week. The vet helps the organisation I sometimes work with and everything's is paid for by a charity.
  18. I spend most of my time rescuing animals, it's why I spend so much time in Romania and Bulgaria.
  19. I rescued a stray cat the other day that was about an hour from death. It's now in a cardboard box full of fluffy blankets and starting to come around and drinking milk from a syringe. Did some shopping for an elderly neighbour today.
  20. Indeed. I've just googled Greggs actually and it's quite an interesting story, including one of the Gregg brothers in Prison for child abuse!!
  21. I thought it would have been a Greggs sausage roll to be honest.
  22. I enjoyed the women's world cup but as regards their domestic leagues I have absolutely interest. I am fully immersed in the men's game.
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