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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Where did I say that, I said nothing of the sort? I actually enjoyed watching the women play at the euros and world cup.
  2. Like all news stations, they have a bias, even though the BBC is supposed to have impairtiality. Any one who thinks the BBC is more right than left needs to give their heads a shake, but it's the best of a bad bunch I guess. Unfortunately they are turning too PC ( woke) for my liking. I love my sport, especially football and just like sky sports, they have made their football shows barely watchable. For example, Football focus on a Saturday afternoon was so popular but now is losing viewers by the thousands due to it's insistence on shoehorning women's football into the show and having presenters due to their gender and race rather than their quality. It's quite funny to be fair. Anyone doubting these remarks then just look at the BBC football fixtures page. The other week they had women's international friendly matches before the men's domestic games!! Why would they do that? Which game has more interest in the UK... Angola v Uruguay women. Portsmouth v Bolton. I rest my case.
  3. The most perfect names for said positions!
  4. Another question... I believe gangster rap/drill music also must have a massive negative influence on young boys, why does that not cause as much consternation as Andrew Tate? I mean, the Guardian newspaper actually promotes these artists, why is that?
  5. Where? Irrelevant. Not an admirer at all, but being an adult I have the capability to not see everything as black or white. No outrage, just adult discussion, I understand that's difficult for you to comprehend. It's ok though, we know you struggle with it at the best of times.
  6. I don't doubt that young boys are influenced by him and a minority will take what he says as gospel and that's not good, I know that. You seem to know about schools..... Does the platform Onlyfans create any concerns about what influence it has on young girls, are teachers concerned about that influence?
  7. So why is there no outrage about what I've mentioned, especially in left wing press such as the Guardian? You want a specific example, ok.. A book available on Amazon called "How to Destroy mens life now" This book is teaching women how to trap men into sexual harassment and other cases, how to grab money from them and how to destroy their life, career, social status and image and eventually their life too. Why is there no outrage about this? Imagine if Tate had published this book about women. Another example. Cardi B, the pop star, admittedly drugged and robbed men.....why is there no outrage by teachers at school warning children not to admire her? That enough for now?
  8. I dunno, there are strong rumours that Charles can clear a room and lay out pungent bottom burps that have been known to scatter over a distance that covers the offices of most press headquarters. Those close to Charles put it down to Camillas home made Goat vindaloo.
  9. Vox and the Guardian? No left wing bias there then. Tate is extremely intelligent but says things out of order predominantly for controversial means and publicity, I don't think anyone would dispute that. He also, along with Peterson is (imo) very articulate and interesting to listen to and I agree with some of the things they say, not all but some. Just like millions upon millions of others do.. What's your opinion on women online teaching other women to steal from men, or books available on Amazon giving women tips on how to lie about sexual assault, or women on Onlyfans selling their bodies and telling young girls it's easy money? Why is that not mentioned in schools, why are teachers not complaining about that? Why is the Guardian not doing articles about this? Do you not think it's double standards?
  10. C, Folk striking D, increasing population.
  11. I honestly can't work it out!!! Still I ain't woken up properly yet!
  12. I've had a read through a couple of times and I still can't work out what's happening to be honest. In layman's terms I would hazard a guess that the losing parties are stamping their feet and refusing to work with the winning party.
  13. The NHS gets the biggest funding it's ever had to the tune of about 190 billion per year, with an increase I believe of about 3% per year since the Tories being in office.
  14. Oh, you were being serious!! You actually do think these young boys at school are manipulated by the right wing. Crikey.
  15. "Leader of far-right Freedom party, which came first in election last year" It's no surprise that he has been unable to take the position though is it.
  16. Disco biscuits, the usual. Crazy but absolutely wonderful times.
  17. Apologies, it was tongue in cheek. To be honest I've never been much of a drinker, I was teetotal until about 20 as I was always the driver. Whilst I was a bar/club owner in London other temptations came my way rather than booze, and as booze usually gives me a headache I opted for the former. Now in my mid fifties I occasionally have a bender with a friend twice a year, a good all night session but the hangovers these days are too brutal and last for 2-3 days. I usually have a glass of rosé whilst making dinner and that's my lot these days.
  18. It's hardly surprising he drinks so much as it's probably to numb the pain of being married to a Guardian editor.
  19. Abbott had the party whip withdrawn after she suggested Jewish, Irish and Traveller people had never been “subject to racism”
  20. Apology accepted, the rest of your pontificating isn't worth my time. It's incredibly offensive that you consider the rights of women and the LGBTQ folk so unimportant. Shame on you.
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