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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Where does it say it should be number 1 and 2 of things to worry about? Can you point that out for everyone please?
  2. Absolutely. It's just that another poster has been brainwashed into thinking it's only the right wing who has racists, misogynists, etc etc. I actually thought said poster was considerably more well read on such matters.
  3. What's wrong with being Right Wing? Please don't tell me you have fallen into the brainwashed trap of thinking " Right Wing" is the devil? As far as I am aware being Right Wing, ( even though left wing fascists would like), is not illegal. I thought you had more about you than that to be honest.
  4. Some might say that. I just don't get it. The very folk who are protesting and up in arms about LGBTQ and women's rights will be the very same people who will be welcoming folk from other countries who hate homosexuality and treat women as second class citizens. Their brains must be so brainwashed and muddled but it obviously explains their confusion, anger and frustration.
  5. Funny that. Cheltenham festival is one of the UK's great events absolutely loved by millions and brings joy and a boost to the economy. It's no surprise that for the past 3 days the Guardian has penned a negative comment about it. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/mar/12/raucous-cheltenham-festival-crowds-meeting-is-at-crossroads-horse-racing https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/mar/11/cheltenham-festival-horse-racing https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/mar/12/festivalgoers-descend-on-cheltenham-despite-rain Why do they hate the UK so much, or is it because it's an event visited by predominantly white people that they are negative about it?
  6. You would think that those welcoming immigrants from Muslim countries would be concerned about their attitudes towards homosexuality and women's rights, but obviously they don't care about stuff like that because it doesn't suit their brainwashed narrative. Must be a real brain cluster for them.
  7. Maybe the question should be why are these boys so unhappy, bitter and confused? They are boys though, nowt to worry about eh.
  8. Tate is an extremely intelligent individual, and is popular especially with men because he says things that millions can either relate to or agree with. His views can obviously overstep the mark but it's well known that he says those things for controversial purposes. The media and powers that be have him in their sights as enemy number one and he will be going down for sure, and if proven to have done what's alleged then deservedly so. I find it rather hypocritical that he is lambasted and publicly flogged for saying things about women, and how men should better their lives by working out, working hard and being more confident, and yet women are on YouTube giving tips on how to rinse men and take their money, The pop star Cardi B admits to drugging and stealing from men but still gets applauded and invited to all and sundry like she's a queen and a role model. Why are schools and teachers not vocal about women on Onlyfans selling their bodies for money and explaining to young impressionable girls that it's easy money? There are books on Amazon giving women tips on how to ruin men, how to tell lies and get his money and how to fake sexual accusations. Why is there no uproar about this. " How to destroy a man" one of them is called. The hypocrisy stinks, but he is a man so its fair game, and remember, he has been found guilty of nothing as yet.
  9. And back then you will have had folk saying " oh don't be a snowflake, it's all nonsense and nothing to be concerned about"
  10. To be honest I've no idea what type of olive I buy, being a typical Yorkshire chap I always buy whichever is on offer. Yesterday I bought 150g ( small container) of green olives for 50p in a supermarket in Bulgaria I have some friends around tonight and they only like green olives!!
  11. If I was the Princess of Wales, tomorrow morning I would pop into to Aldi in my slippers and buy some tampons and pile cream and hope the security guard pulls me over and prove to everyone that I am reyt.
  12. On the contrary. The big shops have all the power, they are cheaper than the small businesses, 99% of folk will go to where they can get better deals. It's why supermarkets are taking over, worldwide. I highly doubt a struggling family will become Citizen Smith and shout " power to the people" then spend more on groceries at the local green grosers
  13. Black olives. Really disliked the taste so for 40 years just ate green ones then about a year ago I had a black olive and it was lovely. Bought black ever since.
  14. That is brilliant. You ever thought of stand up comedy?
  15. I think all the Ukrainians should sell their brand new 4x4 shiny Jeeps and SUVs that are everywhere in Romania and Bulgaria to help pay for the war, and maybe send all the money they get from begging and pleading poverty also.
  16. Correct. I guess it was highlighting their freedom of ones religious beliefs.
  17. I really don't know how people would cope without your sage wisdom and stating the ruddy obvious all the time We are lucky to have you in our lives.
  18. In most Islamic countries, the Catholic Church is severely restricted or outlawed. Significant exceptions include Israel and Lebanon.
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