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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Take it or leave it me. The missus always makes a batch when we watch a movie, always salted, not butter and she puts Tabasco sauce over them.
  2. Charity shops ain't like they used to be, many a bargain used to be found. Unfortunately most shops now have specialists who rummage through stuff before it goes out for sale. Sometimes a gem will get overlooked and be put on sale but that rarely happens anymore.
  3. We gave it a go but they are just better than us. Too many players not at the races tonight unfortunately.
  4. The USA are the world's police. Everyone hates them until they need help.
  5. Yet some cry about the 1.29p per year towards the sovereign grant.
  6. I do kind of agree with you to be honest.
  7. It wouldn't surprise me to see the owls get something from this game, anything will be a bonus. It's just wondering actually looking forward to games again. Going 1-1
  8. I bet SYP would be dealing with the culprits if they had misgendered someone whilst robbing them.
  9. Yeah, either guilty or paranoid folk would.
  10. Blame the scum that steal, not the establishments.
  11. The country maybe, but not many of the folk who live there. Most will be too busy protesting about the colour of the uniforms, and whether they can wear false eyelashes and do tiktok videos on the front line. Meanwhile those gammons and those who are ridiculed for being too masculine will be battling to save those that ridicule them.
  12. Most are absolute crooks, their sole purpose is not to offer a service but to try and con you out of money. I highly recommend staying clear of Green motion car hire and implore anyone to take a picture of every single mark on the car prior to driving off, that 15 minutes could save you hundreds.
  13. You mean like the aggressive lefties vandalizing the Thatcher statue? Are there actually any statues that have been vandalized by right wingers?
  14. But but but...he was under intense personal pressure. The absolute wazzock.
  15. If they are anything like Clive Betts I wouldn't get your hopes up. I've sent him two emails over the past 8 years and I am still waiting for a reply.
  16. Quietly confident about tonight. 3-1 owls.
  17. Once you get past the plankton who mess you about, it's ok, and free!! eBay fees now for sellers is absolutely criminal.
  18. Feel for the fans to be honest. I remember Everton leading us 0-5 at HT in a cup game, totally demoralising. Think it was after two replays and all.
  19. To be quite frank, i am more intrigued as to what in god's name is Jazz Fusion?
  20. Dunno, maybe they were not aware of it being erected.
  21. I read that they didn't have permission to build it that big though, so I guess the council would be within their rights to have it down. Be riots all ower!!
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