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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. That big Gypsy one is a cracker at shiregreen. Bigger than my house.
  2. And yet they still get criticism from some. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/01/gaza-airdrop-food-aid-us-biden
  3. The melt down on owlstalk is incredibly amusing. It's dear leader is doing his usual moral high ground walk threatening to ban members who dare have a different take on the matter. Classic childs talk. My opinion is that he is not worth the hassle. The manager doesn't need mob rule ruining the efforts of the best thing to happen to this club in years, and now the women's team at swfc has spoken, obviously no one can challenge their stance.
  4. Some of you have always been haywire!! 😉😉
  5. Rotherham are seemingly playing ok recently without getting points and have given most teams a good go at the New York, plus it would be so Wednesday to get beat by Rotherham after such a good run of results.
  6. Took me a while to actually figure out what you are trying to say to be honest, but if I think I understand you correctly, then I've never said all women. Unless I've made an error in trying to fathom out your attempt at a coherent sentence?
  7. Going to stick my neck out and predict a Rotherham win 2-0
  8. My experience of 50 odd years of knowing women leads me to believe that most women don't have hobbies, hence why they never seem content and just happy with what they have. Rather than always wanting something better, newer or more expensive just try and be content with what you have or find a hobby to cure the obvious boredom. I don't know why that's confusing you to be honest.
  9. In what way? What else do you want me to say?
  10. I thought the Government had banned protests, as that's what I keep hearing from the lefties? 🤔🤔
  11. I am absolutely shocked to the core that people are using the mental elf card!! Mental health is the new go to excuse and it's an absolute insult to people who do actually suffer with it, but it was all so predictable wasn't it.
  12. Washington alone gives Palestine around 400 million a year in donations so I don't think it because they don't care. I would think the delay is more to do with the UNRWA, ( the group who are in control of the finances) allegedly having members who assisted with the slaughter of folk on the 7th October.
  13. The USA and it's allies, especially the UK get absolutely slated when they get involved in other folks conflicts, but now the same people will be slating them for NOT getting involved!! Damned if they do.....
  14. Boredom. Most women don't have any hobbies.
  15. Blokes don't need a lot of money to be happy. We are quite content to watch sport on t.v, go walking, fishing or tinkering with the car. Women on the other hand have to be constantly looking for something new, something better or something utterly pointless, it must be so tiring.
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