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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Going with my Dad to a pit when they were on strike, as he was an electrician and was contacted to test the alarms and sirens. The miners were threatening to beat him up if he went in and basically chased the car down the street. Goodness knows what would have happened if they caught us. Windows being put through if a vote conservative poster was on show. Been a Tory ever since.
  2. I didn't. I am just educating as to what Mr Navalny has stated as it's a thread about Mr Navalny. May I suggest you stick to commenting on the subject of the thread rather than trying to derail as I know you are a real stickler for stuff like that. Practice what you preach chuckles otherwise it makes you look really silly. 👍
  3. All this sympathy for a known racist, likening Muslims to cockroaches, wanting immigrants out of Russia and having far right views, including having known Nazi sympathizers at his rallies years ago. Must be a complete head spin for the lefties this one.
  4. I see Dave was on the booze last night. Pure entertainment. 😂
  5. I find Mr Khan quite funny to be honest. I don't think he realises how funny he is. MAAAAAAAATE!!! 😂😂😂
  6. Oh, I was under the impression the numbers indicated their results, the Aston Villa one being top left.
  7. Nice, looks sturdy and very durable, hopefully will last you a while. Shame a damn watch is blocking me from seeing the rest of the table. 😉
  8. More chance of the Tories winning the next general election and Sheffield United avoiding relegation than Putin losing in the Russian elections in March.
  9. Ruddy milk cartons! Can someone just invent one that doesn't splatter everywhere when you try and pour a full one into your brew!!
  10. I've no doubt it will be white supremacists as apparently according to Biden they pose the biggest terrorism threat.
  11. That show will be absolutely nauseating but it will still be better and more educational than Channel 4 News.
  12. Sad news. We all listened to Steve whilst working in the afternoons.
  13. I stopped a while ago but gave him another go. I will not be engaging anymore, he offers nothing but mean and nasty insults. Like I say, I can't believe he is a grown man.
  14. That reply by you to a well thought out post just sums you up in a nutshell. What a pathetic childish individual you really are. I can't actually believe you are a grown man.
  15. So by the token I am guessing your favourite subject is being brave behind a keyboard insulting folk and making yourself look a tit?
  16. And why does that make it their favourite subject? Are you this childish in real life or just on the internet?
  17. You see, this is why you are subject to so much ridicule on this forum. The poster in question is making a very valid and sensible post but your inner child and constant hyperbole for attention let's you down. You state it's the posters favourite subject....can you explain as to why you come to that conclusion?
  18. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13076461/Met-Police-launch-investigation-Soho-Theatre-shocking-incident-Jewish-audience-member-hounded-comedian-Paul-Currie-comic-doubles-act-sharing-PRAISE-incendiary-routine-online.html State of this clown. 😆 No surprise this is happening though. Mob mentality rules.
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