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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Indeed. I struggle with doing a regular job in my mid fifties!!!
  2. Indeed. To want to become a leader of any country you have to be power hungry and have skin thicker than a rhino. I couldn't think of a worse job.
  3. I feel sorry for Biden to be honest, he is obviously struggling and why wouldn't he be at that age.
  4. What is it about Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan that lefties don't like? Is it the way they calmly and succinctly get their views across without screaming and shouting or getting aggressive? Maybe it's why millions upon millions watch their stuff.
  5. I have to say it's rather more concerning than usual. I do hope he is ok.
  6. I bet Harry wasn't bothered about his " long standing commitment to the planet" these last 72 hours was he. The hypocritical sanctmonious twerp.
  7. If one of your brothers or son went onto a massive talk show and sold you out, then proceeded to write a book slagging you off, you would want to still be friends? Or is that just lie by the media and didn't really happen?
  8. Harry has become a sanctimonious, self righteous numbskull that sold his own family out for money. If he was my brother I wouldn't give him the time of day.
  9. No. Live commentary on radio Sheffield or ifollow.
  10. Routine win for Coventry. Think they will come out the traps and get a couple of early goals then just see it out. 2/3-0
  11. This will be met with much condemnation but much of it is true. Britain is ripe for a takeover as it's becoming full of wet wipes who will just have their bellies tickled and refuse to stand it's ground incase it offends someone.
  12. You don't think that's at all a possibility within 30 years?
  13. It wouldn't surprise me if it does, although not for at least 20-30 years. Most folk in the UK don't really care about religion or if they do they are not fanatical, unlike most Muslims. The younger generation in the West is too busy on Tiktok and pumping crap into their lips and boobs to care about religion and before they realise what's happening Sharia law will have by stealth gained control in small towns in the North and Lancashire and it will become unstoppable. I am glad I will not be around.
  14. Crikey, could take the police years to find him.
  15. I can confirm this is true as I am Master rogets butler. I can also confirm he has asked me to buy a gargantuan amount of pile cream from the chemist this morning as he has bunch of grapes so large dangling from his backside that we are considering an offer from the Chateau Laniote winery.
  16. Aye, the cold weather certainly puts off the professional protesters. Don't see too many sitting down on cold roads do we.
  17. Be interesting to hear the views of Muslims on here regarding this subject and the Muslim manifesto especially.
  18. One would need a sense of humour to understand so I completely get why you wouldn't find it rather amusing. 👍
  19. My mistake, they do mention an islamic terrorist for the murder of the MP.
  20. No surprise that they are ever so keen to mention " far right terrorist" and Nazis when it comes to the attacks and murders of left wing folk but no mention of terrorism when right wing folk are attacked.....they have been radicalised, as if its some kind of excuse. Sorry but I find the Guardian the most hate filled newspaper going, they just try to hide it by being all sanctimonious and self righteous, they don't fool me.
  21. Even if you haven't paid in the full 35 years to qualify for the full state pension, it will be topped up with other benefits to roughly the same.
  22. You are kidding. We had someone literally admitting they had people's veins sent through the post just a short time ago.
  23. I think it's wonderful. It's responsible for producing some absolutely cracking posts.
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