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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Oh absolutely I don't like racism but I fail to see the hatred of black and brown folk on here. I see folk expressing concerns about certain subjects though especially crime and immigration.
  2. Who's hands are tied by numerous laws and parasite human rights lawyers delaying cases time after time after time. Still it gives us more time to appreciate the culture and cuisines that benefit us tremendously. I mean the UK would be in a right tangle without acid attacks and goat stew.
  3. Interesting and thanks. So this figure of 25% of all of us having issues throughout our life could be incorrect as it's purely the individual making the answers so not necessarily medically accurate?
  4. It's no wonder the owner is skint. Gregory. James. Hendricks.
  5. Well there will be no shortage of bare arses lined up waiting for Chansiri to get the Vaseline out so they could park it in any one of those.
  6. I wonder what stopped them leaving.
  7. So is it fair to say it's the individual that decides not a professional?
  8. Where has this information come from?
  9. Seriously? You want people who have serious concerns about the future of swfc banned?
  10. It's almost as if sickos take up certain positions to hide their crimes, especially religious positions or head of community roles. Who wudda thought it!
  11. Thankfully cases Iike this are extremely rare, but no doubt it will be someone else's fault and not the warped and macabre individuals who carried out this henious crime.
  12. How do they measure a person's mental health issues?
  13. Just stepping back a tad, are you saying 90% of the population has mental health issues?
  14. Indeed. Mental elf is the new go to when someone is an absolute tosser. What ever happened to some people just being horrible and nasty? Why does there always have to be something allegedly wrong with them.
  15. Sounds good to me. Less traffic, more parking spaces, less crime. What's not to like.
  16. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13035851/Fifth-migrant-accused-attacking-NYPD-cops-Times-Square-walks-free-court-police-fear-four-accomplices-fled-CALIFORNIA-amid-calls-deported.html The USA having issues also.
  17. https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/04/asia/afghanistan-schoolgirls-acid-attack/index.html
  18. “Some of the reasons women have been subjected to acid attacks include rejecting marriage proposals, giving birth to daughters instead of sons, and not bringing enough dowry to their in-laws' houses, Very common in Pakistan,India and. Bangladesh.
  19. Apparently it's a rather common practice in Afghanistan so expect more on our streets. Every day, you hear that somebody's thrown acid at a girl's face … or they poison their water.” There were at least 185 documented attacks on schools and hospitals in Afghanistan last year, according to the United Nations. The majority were attributed to armed groups opposed to girls' education.
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