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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Crikey, he looks a heartbreaker. Do criminal parasites all use the same barber? I hope the human rights lawyer who advised him to try and fool the kind hearted UK into believing he had become a changed man, never has the misfortune of one of their loved ones blinded by acid from a person who shouldn't be roaming the streets.
  2. Thanks, not that I need an insufferable self righteous, self flagellating, microphallus like you to give me permission. 👍
  3. I don't care what you think, and it's not up to you to tell others when and when not to post. Are you a secret wannabe dictator and fascist? I want the terrorists found and dealt with. You can pontificate all you want, makes no difference to me.
  4. "A right to defend oneself and release hostages after being attacked"......would be one.
  5. Sorry about that. Must have had a dodgy pint at Fanny's. 😉
  6. Only those with an agenda or of those with a blinkered view would have not realised that.
  7. Awful journey to Selhurst park, it's ok until you hit London, then just rancid. I used to live near the ground in the 90s so fortunately it was great when the owls came to town, very seldom we ever got a result.
  8. Watford are an excellent away team but if the owls can produce a performance similar to the Hull and Cardiff games recently they have a chance of a result. Going 2-2
  9. Ah, right. I always believe terrorists, honest bunch of lads. 🙄🙄 They must absolutely love folk like you, whilst laughing at you at the same time for being so gullible, no offence mind. 👍
  10. So obviously I do offer a view then? Glad we cleared that up. 👍
  11. Well that's where we disagree. Taken from the covenant of Hamas On the Destruction of Israel: 'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it" So, there you have it. 👍
  12. Indeed, they don't give a damn about their own people. Shameful.
  13. If I am incapable of offering a view then how do you know what my thoughts are? My views are perfectly clear and have been made numerous times, but you know that. 👍
  14. We wouldn't be having this discussion if Israel wasn't invaded by the Palestine government on the 7th October. Now that's a fact whether folk like it or not. And would the Palestine government have invaded if Israel had been all sweetness and kind I hear them say? Absolutely they would, their objective is to obliterate Jews.
  15. And the fact he is a complete man child who is incapable of debating without resorting to either insults or just primary school throwaway comments, thus making himself look a silly sausage.
  16. Imagine crowds gathering in the West and celebrating when we bomb or attack something, then wave around swords and AK-47s. Where are the women? Oh yeah, locked up at home like slaves.
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