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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. He did, I was watching from the South stand.
  2. Anusol has been my best buddy for the past two weeks. 🥲
  3. I really don't understand why he is so petulant and juvenile. I don't get it. It's almost as if he is trying to annoy folk for the hell of it. His refusal to put a stop to a certain poster threatening members yesterday was incredibly poor, but I know why.
  4. Fair comment, I know it must be extremely difficult to moderate! I just know at least 4 of my friends hold the same view as me regarding his blatant bias and childish badgering and it's going to lose him well liked and good members. His allowing of that certain fan to repeatedly " offer folk out" and repeatedly telling good posters to F-off and to get out of our club was outrageous and equally disappointing. Thanks for the reply. Love your videos by the way. 👍
  5. No. I don't want to run the risk of getting a ban for posting anything that doesn't conform to Neil's view, I know he can be very inconsistent with his moods. I know you are very, very close to Neil so on behalf of myself and many others can you ask him why he behaves like a petulant child, allows a certain fan to threaten well liked posters and tells them to F-off constantly but refuses to clamp down on that and why he seems to get a kick out of badgering posters because they offer a different view? He is alienating good and loyal members. His behaviour and bias is incredibly juvenile for one in such a position and if it's for clicks or bites then I despair. I will retract my calling him a cretin as I've never met him, so apologies for that. Thanks 👍
  6. I hope you didn't post such a reasonable point on owlstalk as the man child owner would have you banned.
  7. I think you might be on to something matey.
  8. Afternoon Tom, good night out? I didn't see any posts making excuses for the monkey gesture, not one. Plenty giving reasons and excuses for booing him though. Kneeling whether you like it or not is associated with the BLM. movement, a movement that has had leaders and associates up in court on fraud charges, I personally wouldn't boo the kneeling but I can understand why some do, it doesn't automatically make them racist. However the booing of it last night was not a good luck, granted. Every fan base has knobheads, always has, always will, this will never change but hopefully CCTV will help eradicate such individuals. Palmer was booed because of his antics, not his colour.
  9. Ah yes, but that doesn't sell newspapers or garner clicks on forums. The owls forum Owlstalk is absolutely having a meltdown, all self flagellation and moral righteous. Apparently bans and deleted accounts are at a high because some are not agreeing with it's man child owner. And yet he allows one fan to constantly offer to meet up to fight others and tell other fans to openly F- off and to get out of our club, abusing regular and popular posters who have the audacity to have a different view. But that's ok because that particular poster is black, and because the owner of the website is so blinded by his petulant child like motives he doesn't realise how utterly condescending he is being towards black folk.
  10. Mark Robins is completely assisting the MSM in trying to make this booing a racial issue. Many players, especially pantomime villains which Palmer has previous for have been booed at Hillsborough. Unfortunately one throbber took it too far and will quite rightly be banned. Are black players immune from criticism or booing now? Palmer was booed because of his antics, not his skin colour, fortunately those with half a brain and those that don't benefit from clicks ( owlstalk) can understand this.
  11. Stop it will you, I have a partner!!!!
  12. Harsh. I say this as a Conservative, Blair was just going on the information he was given and at the time many agreed with his actions. Fortunately we are in the position to change our minds about those events but Blair has to live with his.
  13. I think I am developing a small crush on you. See, today's ladies are too enveloped into thinking us men desire fake boobs and inflated lips but deep down we are searching for the opposite sex to have a greater knowledge of the inner workings of the gastric area and a full understanding and appreciation of a well rounded and crowd scattering fart. 🥰
  14. Thanks. If I am on the search for a new manager to assist me with my comeback into the high echelons of trump stardom, I will be in touch 🙂
  15. I used to be overweight but changed my diet, I am underweight now. Unfortunately my new diet has resulted in my reputation being on the wane as the master pumper of South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire. Dark times indeed. 😞
  16. I take exception to that comment. I am middle aged and pride myself on being one of the worst bottom burpers in civilization. It's an art form in which I have mastered.
  17. That clown is a complete and utter moron. His endless self righteous and constant badgering of fellow supporters because they have a different opinion to his is quite something. I can't believe he is actually a grown man.
  18. Nothing beats the Fiat Multipla for ugliness. My neighbour has one, it ruins my view most mornings.
  19. Indeed. It's extremely unlikely she would have brought a case against someone who lives in a end terrace in Hartlepool.
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