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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Well deserved. The posts on owlstalk to see who could me more virtue signalling than each other were more entertaining than the match!! ðŸĪŠ
  2. These days I say I am married to get out of having to get into bed with a woman!!!
  3. Football heaven is ok, I like Paulette Edwards, Becky Measures is like a 12 year old who has eaten too much candy, just so poor.
  4. Eh?? Bit random that. Care to elaborate?
  5. Crikey, allegations members of staff from UNRWA involved in the attacks on Israel on 7th October!! https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/26/middleeast/unrwa-fires-staff-members-october-7-attacks-intl/index.html Surely not.
  6. Interesting read that. 👍
  7. Oh my word. Be some craft ales and corduroy up there!! Good place for charity shops mind. Have a good one. 👍
  8. Bet it's some lefty boozer Netheredge or Meersbrook way? 😁
  9. Cant help you as I've never put anyone on ignore, I welcome the challenge of the opposition.
  10. Of course it matters, it's one of only 3 chances of actually winning something!!!
  11. Stop talking sense will you!!! They have to blame someone or something you know, gets em through the day.
  12. Having read eye witness accounts I must admit to it making me feel uncomfortable. Wouldn't it be easier and more humane to just shoot him?
  13. Another defeat for the owls whilst watching 4000 Coventry fans take the **** before starting trouble. 0-2
  14. Folk suggesting that owls fans applaud Palmer tonight. 😂
  15. Will it be the media's fault when Labour win the next GE? Thought not. 🙄 👏👏👏👏
  16. There are millions upon millions of people in this country who have little or no loyalty to Britain and a fair number who are actively hostile to it. The idea you could just conscript them and send them off to war without mass violence and insurrection is laughable. That's mostly people of immigrant stock who have their first loyalty to other countries, but not just them. How's it going to go trying to conscript Celtic's "green brigade" into the British army? Or scousers who can't abide the national anthem? In the world of equality, we can't be seen to treat men and women differently or indeed to acknowledge any difference between them. So we'd be conscripting young men and women on an equal basis. Even amongst the general population who do have a loyalty to Britain, do you think people would just stand back and watch young mothers and daughters conscripted off to war? We've got a whole generation , probably 2 or 3 generations who've been brought up in a culture where hurty words are considered as bad if not worse than actual violence, who've never faced any kind of discipline and who very much "know their rights". They've also been brought up on to believe that Britain and it's history and culture is something to be ashamed of. The idea you could shape them into some sort of fighting force to take the fight to Russia across to protect their country seems delusional. The whole idea is laughable. Conscription could simply never work in modern Britain in any conceivable circumstances. I'm sure in a war that posed a genuine threat to the continuity of the nation there'd still be plenty of volunteers, mainly the kind of folk who are ridiculed as " Gammon" but any attempt at conscription would result in mass rebellion, the downfall of the government and hasten the victory of whichever enemy they'd managed to conjure up.
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