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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Do you think there would be so many dead Palestinians if their government had not invaded Israel on the 7th October? Only one government is to blame for this.
  2. Maybe women can go on the front line? Equality and all that.
  3. Selling a property in London in 1999 because it had made a small profit in the 3 years of owning it and I wanted to travel the world with the profit. If I had waited another 5 years I could have taken early retirement!!
  4. Why not call Hamas terrorists?
  5. He does seem to have a rather unpredictable temper.
  6. Indeed. We don't live in Iran, Palestine or the Yemen now do we. I believe the leader of the Palestinian government even imprisons people who criticise him on Facebook. Must be awful. I've really got no idea what being a man of the world or not has to do with pretend outrage. You have lost me there.
  7. Using foul language demonstrates quite a lot, however command of language is not one of them. Pretend outrage?
  8. After you. I feel the one who uses foul language to express their views due to their obvious lack of vernacular make the first move. 👍
  9. Well hopefully the governments of these countries from where the immigrants come from can stop filling their pockets with aid from the Western world and actually start spending some of it on infrastructure and their people rather than blaming everyone else for their troubles.
  10. It's a good job other posters don't treat you with same lack of respect as you show others with your non stop anti Israel posts. Wind your neck in. Who the hell do you think you are demanding a poster stops posting his views.? Anyone would think you are Ebrahim Raisi
  11. I've given my opinion, however your constant hounding of me is insufferable and is borderline obsessive. Have a lie down or something. 👍
  12. Oh my we are in a bad mood today, what's happened chuckles, nothing too serious I hope?
  13. What you blabbering on about now chuckles? I thought we were discussing the OP suggestions. What's up, you all alone with no one to argue with? Go feed your birds you silly sausage. 👍
  14. They went down well! Must be going soft with all that toxic masculinity being taken out! 😉
  15. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12998863/britons-face-army-conscription-russia-attacks.html I bet the ladies and liberals will be wanting young men to show their masculinity again soon.
  16. I would love to see bullies of any age punished. Count me in.
  17. You left out the part where they have to crawl over broken glass to beg for more gruel from their paymasters. Regardless of manslaughter or murder I think it's safe to presume that this vile specimen will not be on the streets killing anyone else's son or daughter for many a year.
  18. My apologies. Common sense is so unfashionable these days. 🙂
  19. How's about men use men's toilets and women use women's toilets, like we have been doing all along. Simple.
  20. I can't argue with that. This new skunk they grow is nothing like the regular marijuana, but even still I think it would reduce aggro if it replaced alcohol. I was in the entertainment industry for many years and I can assure you the events we held for let's say the " stoner" crowd were trouble free in the main.
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