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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Well what category do they belong? There are only two, male and female. So, you would accommodate the odd request to the bewilderment of everyone else?
  2. What was wrong with Ladies and Gents, I don't get it?
  3. Each to their own. What I do know is that if folk swapped marijuana for alcohol there wouldn't be brawls every weekend in the towns and cities of the UK.
  4. I actually winced thinking about that.
  5. We are already suffering from nutters blowing us up and have been for years, so what difference does it make if trying to rid the world of even more parasites creates a few more.
  6. Bought a lovely yellow Triumph Dolomite about 20 years ago when I lived in London. Everyone loved it, but it would never start on a cold morning making me late for work on numerous occasions. I had it around 12 months, then it let me down at traffic lights at Clapham Common, caused a proper traffic jam. Sold it the weekend after and bought a Vespa scooter, best decision I've ever made!!
  7. I wonder if he will give back his MBE if he hates colonialism so much?
  8. I am shocked to the core. A face only a mother could love. 🙄
  9. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12990843/Rochdale-grooming-gang-ringleader-54-living-Britain-nearly-nine-years-meant-deported-Pakistan-sickening-child-sex-offences.html Hardly surprising that Pakistan doesn't want him is it. Some proper Heartbreakers in that group of photographs, the tide wouldn't take them out, never mind any females.
  10. Why would anyone shave their nob? Sounds rather masochistic.
  11. Some beautiful cars being posted but they were not that beautiful when the lumps wouldn't start on a cold winters day when you were late for work!!
  12. Football attracts a more working class individual and is the most tribal sport on the planet, hence why there is a better atmosphere with fans singing or goading each other...it's what has made it the best and most popular sport in the world. Unfortunately it also attracts morons who when with a group of friends act differently to what they would as an individual, mob mentality.
  13. Hope the spanner who racially abused him gets a ban. Made Sheffield Wednesday headline news, again for the wrong reasons.
  14. He is entitled to his opinion and without doubt the song will be removed in the near future just to keep the peace. The noisy minority always get their way eventually as the majority just can't be bothered with the hassle of it all, more important things to worry about.
  15. Yes, much more, I will add Burnley to the list also. Why is it prejudice to say some places are wretched? Are you suggesting all towns and cities are exactly the same? I don't mind Bradford, it's got a little bit of a buzz about it.
  16. As if living in Oldham wasn't punishment enough!! Retched place, on a par with Rochdale and Blackburn.
  17. Helped Ms MacPherson move house in the early nineties, lovely lady, gave us a decent tip also.
  18. Satire isn't your strongest point is it. Kenneth Williams, the carry on star? Very funny and intelligent bloke, yeah I will take that. Thanks.
  19. Aye, those big football supporters who are ridiculed for being fat, racist, Brexit supporting far right oiks, but then will be the first to be asked to protect the country by those who have ridiculed them.
  20. I do understand that during a war folk are killed unnecessarily and also rogue soldiers break the law, I get it. Any videos or photos of Israeli men raping, mutilating and, cutting heads off Palestinian women? Or parading them naked down Tel Aviv and spitting on them? I know where my support goes and I am incredibly glad it does. Can I ask....where do you take your family on holiday?
  21. Pork pies are incredibly overrated and give you heartburn.
  22. Well if true then that's disgraceful, but let's wait and see what the inquiry comes up with as they are just allegations at the moment. I mean many didn't believe women were raped and mutilated by members of the Palestinian government in October but evidence has proven otherwise......right? I am completely at ease with my posts and views but thanks for your concern. 👍
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