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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. That place is a complete white elephant. So many have tried to make it work including someone I know a few years ago but it just never gets the trade. If it was given to me I would forget the pub and turn it into an Indian or Chinese restaurant, although even then I think it would struggle.
  2. Becoming a nation of lazy wet wipes more like. Get some ibuprofen down them rather than crap food and man up.
  3. Not right now. Have to do a bit of work. Maybe later though. 👍
  4. Exactly. Literally no one. I rest my case.
  5. Get thee sen off to Yemen and report back how wonderful, accepting and peaceful they are. Lovely place.
  6. Armageddon will not happen, it's just folk being melodramatic as per usual.
  7. And has been for hundreds of years and will continue to do so until we cease to exist. Regards to Scandinavians being happier, doesn't Finland, Sweden and Iceland having higher suicide rates than the UK, Germany and France for example?
  8. Of course not. Are you suggesting that all rich people are the same as Ms Vennells? It's always been an English problem, this bash the rich or slag someone who has a nice car or house. Rather than consider how hard that person has worked or does work the narrative is to somehow be negative about them, it's a mentality that doesn't seem to exist in other countries, in my experience anyway. It's just festering jealousy. Buy a nice flash car and see how long it takes before some one keys it,
  9. I am happy to be a commoner. I couldn't think of anything worse than being a member of the royal family. It must be a nightmare.
  10. It's a good job you are not either right wing or a royalist as you would be screamed at for being misogynistic with language like that.
  11. You are so incredibly naive, Why have these religious rebels attacked ships with no links to Israel? Great bunch of lads, they make The Yemen a wonderful destination for families, it's just lovely. Peace loving caring moderate folk who welcome all race and religions from all over the world. Take your religious blinkers off, you will be much happier. 👍
  12. Good grief. I can't even begin to get my head around your views.
  13. No one does....deep down. It's just the usual bluster. Amusing though.
  14. The coronation was estimated to have cost I believe around 100 million pounds, but the UK economy was estimated to have gained over 1 billion because of it. Not bad. Still, if you are really angry about your roughly 1.24p per year in taxes towards the sovereign grant then that's your prerogative.
  15. History didn't start in 1947. But I am not getting into another pointless argument about this conflict. I am very comfortable with my views.
  16. Aye, great bunch of lads them Houthis, proper reliable and trustworthy. I knew you would blame Britain. Textbook.
  17. Why should the rich take responsibility for others?
  18. Stop talking sense, it confuses many on here. 👍
  19. Got to have someone to blame in today's society, takes the pressure off not taking responsibility.
  20. Talking of Prostate. Many, including me were put off with having a finger in the sheriff's badge but a blood test is around 90% accurate these days and much less daunting. Get it checked lads.
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