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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Funny though! He has become the forums gonk.
  2. Must be Canada. Cracking items come from it. https://www.effingseafoods.com/product-category/effing-fresh/
  3. He should have also took his ironing over. Ruddy modern men. Pathetic.
  4. Behold, The Great Oracle has spoken. I don't know what we would do without your wisdom and knowledge.
  5. I worked with a girl in London years ago who became one of my best friends. She used to work at Kids Company in Peckham I think it was in her spare time, we used to argue like cat and dogs about politics. She was the leftist person I've ever met, but we had the brains to not let it affect our friendship. Some of the stories she used to tell me about Ms Batman would make your toes curl, she probably did want to help but make no mistake, she wasn't the angel she liked to portrait, not by a long shot.
  6. But don't you now have to have vaccinations for much more after being exposed the delights of the Moor?
  7. I don't think the Foreign Office would stop anything.
  8. Evening Tom I visit other forums and folk despise the bloke for no other reason than he voted for Brexit, that's just plain fact. Excellent performance last night.
  9. Without doubt. Like spoilt children.
  10. My predictions have been a bit off recently so hopefully I am wrong again! Good team are Hull City. Going a bad defeat for an injury ravaged owls. 1-3
  11. What's good about pubs dying? Why is the loss of jobs and the enjoyment of millions a good thing?
  12. I would definitely sell on here, in fact I didn't realise there was a classified section until a short while ago.
  13. I used to sell the odd item on Marketplace but it's not worth the hassle of dealing with plankton. I don't think I ever received a message that didn't have a spelling mistake, a rather sad reflection on modern society. I had a bike for sale at 300 pounds one time and some dullard said.. " Will swap yer sum model cars that are wurf a 1000" On enquiring as to why he didn't sell them to raise the 1000, he replied... " I ain't nicked em yet" 😂
  14. That's absolutely hilarious!!! Ain't got a clue, but it's a word they think is the latest fashion!! " I don't need a man to support me" Coming from a woman who has an onlyfans account!! 😂😂😂
  15. https://www.london.gov.uk/what-are-some-common-sexist-phrases-challenge It's good to know the major of London is using the tax payers money to warn us of these overused words.
  16. Well after watching the world news it seems like the police and security services will be spending their New Year trying to protect us law abiding citizens from being blown to smithereens from nutters and Pro Palestine protesters. How sad that any major event that used to be a time for celebrations and families is now ruined by religious nut jobs trying to kill us. Still, it's been this way for years now so I guess it's something else they have ruined for us.
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