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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. What opportunities do I have as a male that a woman doesn't have in the UK?
  2. I am interested, why didn't you like Pakistan?
  3. I've absolutely no doubt about that.
  4. And yet you don't seem to accept that others have ill feelings towards Muslims because it's Muslims who are blowing up innocent folk at concerts and murdering journalists for making jokes. If Israel wanted to obliterate Gaza, they would have done it before now. Israel has not shown anywhere near the same levels of barbarity. It had opened its borders to Palestinian workers and opened trade up to improve people’s lives. That is a tangible, human and open gesture and it was exploited by one of the most evil regimes on the planet. Hamas deliberately targeted those Israeli citizens who were interacting and working together with their Palestinian neighbours in return. They have shown the world that they have no other interest than killing as many Jews as they can get their hands on, in the most abhorrent ways imaginable. Fortunately, “only” 1500 deaths on October 7th was all they are capable of. They would have wished for many, many more. If you think the world is turning against Israel, then think again.
  5. Good grief. Imagine trying to justify the murder of many journalists just because they were part of a publication that made a joke about Muhammed. How come no one was murdered when they made jokes about other religions? Je Suis Charlie!!!!
  6. So you are just making baseless accusations again then. Disgraceful, grow up man.
  7. I pointed this out a while back. He pretends to be all warm and cuddly but he is nothing more than a nasty individual with a penchant for horrible language at others who don't share his view. He is so transparent and absolutely useless at trying to hide it, I sussed him out ages ago
  8. How do you know he is lying? It would be interesting to all of us that you can prove this this allegation.
  9. Huge win. Completely flat first half and we huffed and puffed in the second until we scored, then only one team was going to win it. Fully deserved something from the game QPR were so average.
  10. Hard to see past a home win but it will be close. 2-0
  11. Glad Palmer dropped as he has been way off it, also Byers. Can't see anything other than a draw 1-1
  12. It's what I wanted to be when I was growing up.. I watched too many Mike Hamer shows with Stacy Keach. My name was going to be Jack Dallas PI.
  13. You should have said.. Would she like a battered Isuzu trooper, 19 miles to the gallon, smokes like a chimney on cold mornings for the limited offer of a 250 pounds (pensioner special) per month? As an added bonus I will leave in the manky carpet that the dogs sit on?
  14. Evening Tom. I am on about revenge attacks. It's pretty obvious I am trying to point out that both Jews and Muslims have reasons to be angry but I've no doubt who will be mostly on the receiving end throughout Europe and America.
  15. Do you think more Jews and Jewish establishments will be attacked by Muslim fanatics or more Muslims and Muslim establishments attacked by Jewish fanatics?
  16. I would get one off eBay personally, preferably someone with 100% feedback who isn't a car dealer.
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