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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/13/biden-impeachment-house-vote-republicans Biden said....."Instead of doing anything to help make Americans’ lives better, they are focused on attacking me with lies. Instead of doing their job on the urgent work that needs to be done, they are choosing to waste time on this baseless political stunt that even Republicans in Congress admit is not supported by facts,” Biden said. “The American people deserve better.” The irony!!!
  2. Lucky to go in level but we look a completely different team than we did a month ago. We actually now look a competitive championship side.
  3. Don't be bullied into trying to justify your opinion matey. 👍
  4. 😂 OG, the gift that keeps giving. I don't need to watch re-runs of Only fools and Horses when I can get my entertainment from here.
  5. I wish. I have a battered old trabant but I highly doubt that would cover a POTG ticket at Hillsborough.
  6. Incredibly funny though. I am actually warming to OG, it's free entertainment.
  7. Have you researched the cost of living in those higher than the UK?
  8. How did you know that I've eaten a dodgy egg salad?
  9. Tough one to predict is this. Can't see many goals.. Going 1-0 Norwich.
  10. Because of too many damn pedestrian crossings!!
  11. That's all very well, But do you feel guilty?
  12. I would put my last penny on my intelligence being far superior to yours and then some, but that's really besides the point. I feel absolutely zero guilt, do you ?
  13. Ah right, I agree. Although I was starting to question my sexual preferences for a minute. 👍
  14. Our whole way of life was determined by our history and this includes us conquering and gaining from our battles and plundering worldwide. It's why there are many calls for repatriations involving massive sums. Obviously today's society has nothing to do with what happened but money has trickled down through generations and just about everyone will have benefitted. If folk feel guilty about this then maybe they should give up all their money and property and live in a tent..... simple. Those that don't......don't.
  15. If there are no cars coming in either direction and I feel it's completely safe for an adult to cross, thus not making cars having to stop unnecessary, can I not just cross without pressing the button? Or does that make me bisexual? Exactly Woodseats is now completely at a standstill due to the unnecessary gazillion pedestrian crossings, and most of the time you are sat waiting in the red light when no fecker is crossing!!
  16. You can pontificate to your heart's desire, however... The article suggests that the money was for the people of Gaza regardless of how you like to dress it up to suit your narrative. Accept it. 👍
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