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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. "Though the money was meant for Gazan civilians, Western intelligence determined that Hamas was taking money from the funds to use themselves, the outlet reported" And the editor of the times of Israel I believe is a lefty, hardly going to be praising Netanyahu is he? Doesn't quite fit your narrative does it.
  2. Isn't the full state pension 203 pounds per week?
  3. Bingo. However I didn't for one minute expect him to understand.
  4. No doubt you will be giving up your privileges and monitory gains that this country has helped you with, yes?
  5. I assumed you got your state pension regardless of your wealth? Or am I missing something?
  6. Reminded me of these two! https://youtu.be/QEQq5PHl2Ls?si=PXuXoVpGPAIB-Otc
  7. Well, I know for a fact Ukrainian women get priority in Bulgaria if pregnant...... So....
  8. It's as if this is the only time ever that people are struggling, ridiculous. Have folk forgotten how bad it was in the 70s?
  9. Now's there's a clue.... Tomorrow I expect many threads on The Goon Show.. 🙏🙏
  10. I think the reason for Muhammad being the number one is that many Muslim blokes are called Muhammad, as opposed to non Muslim blokes being called a wide variety of names. Still, a rather starting result.
  11. With respect Anna you make out as though this period is time is the only time people have ( allegedly) struggled. When did you grow up, were people not struggling then?
  12. You are being annoyingly obtuse. I do believe communist is an anagram of frustrated capitalist.
  13. All leaders don't claim to be communist though, but you already know that. Isn't communism about sharing the wealth?
  14. Yes I would so I am not a hypocrite.
  15. 5 million would be my limit on lottery wins. I think a euro lottery of 180 million was just last week. Madness.
  16. I rather think you are using a bit of historical licence there . He called it pretty savvy. He has also called the invasion a crime and has condemned Putin.
  17. You mean like Amazon who employ over 1.5 million people? They should be applauded not frowned upon. There should be no maximum pay in my opinion. I do however have a gripe with lottery wins being so excessive.
  18. Although he didn't live in a palace and streets weren't named for him, Castro still lived more extravagantly and hypocritically than he wanted the world to know. Cuba's revolution leader wasn't as modest as he led on. A decade ago, Forbes estimated Fidel Castro's personal net worth at $900 million. Strange how communist leaders don't share their wealth isn't it. Biggest grifters going.
  19. The route from Sheffield to Manchester is a shocker, it should have been sorted years ago.
  20. Humans will never want to be equal, it's why communism doesn't work. It's got nothing to do with greed, people just want nice things, what's wrong with that? Do you think a brain surgeon should have the same as a glass collector?
  21. But our leaders aren't communists.
  22. Why do communist leaders all live in big palatial houses? Shouldn't they live in regular homes like their minions?
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