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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I would stick to your first answers because once you have edited them it makes you look even more desperate. 👍
  2. Rattled again? The big difference is I don't claim to be anything other than what I believe in, I don't post bull to get likes, I am not that insecure or need gratification. I find it pathetic that someone claims to care deeply about people he has never met or heard of in another part of the world but shows complete distain for folk who live in Park Hill and drive a van. Like I said, a typical virtue signalling leftie. What difference does it make what car I drive by the way?
  3. You are a typical virtue signalling lefty, but deep down a complete and utter snob. Imagine looking down on people who live in a certain area and drive a van. You have well and truly shown your colours, shameful but not surprising. You're first answer was much better. 👍
  4. What incredible snobbery. Shame on you. Why do you look down on white van drivers from Park Hill? What have they done to make you have such a low opinion of them?
  5. I would go back way before 1948 and read about history.
  6. Oh no. A grumpy old geezer who never goes anywhere thinks I am a liar. Ruined my day.
  7. 😂😂 Never gets old. Nancy knows all about banks!!
  8. Just pointing out my musings, the second half was just as bad but it's the result that counts and it was a magnificent one. 👍
  9. You are going off on a tangent again. Calm down. I said the whole world doesn't hate Israel as a poster incorrectly stated. You said I am a liar. What part of my statement is a lie?
  10. Morning Orgy. Rough night? Was just correctly pointing out that the whole world doesn't hate Israel, not that you would know as you never go anywhere. Prove I am lying?
  11. You need to get out more and stop watching your bias news channels. 👍
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/09/trump-biden-poll-election-presidential Oh my. I bet the Guardian employee was spitting out his skinny latte having to write that.
  13. Crikey, that was probably the worst 45 minutes of professional football I've ever seen, and I've been to see Sheffield United!!
  14. Tommy comes out with many truths but he goes about it the wrong way by being a dick.
  15. Stoke not a good hunting ground so going 2-1 to stoke.
  16. Trumps only hope of winning is if Biden runs. The democrats, like Labour just don't learn.
  17. Can't wait for Labour to win the election. No one will be poor and everything will be great. Looking forward to it.
  18. I am more shocked that the Guardian hasn't said that Brexit was sexist.
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