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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I am no expert on the prison system so excuse my ignorance but as far as I am aware prisoners are unable to Drive cars. Go shopping. Go to restaurants. Hang out at the beach. Meet friends. Work and get paid. Shop online. Basically do what those that are NOT in prison do Oh, and I don't think as a prisoner you can import missiles and rockets to fire off at innocent people. Unless I am mistaken?
  2. Imagine actually believing what he says!? πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ
  3. Only see white dogs turds in Eastern Europe and they are really dry and crispy buggers. More likely to snap your ankle if treading on one rather than slipping over. I only recently found out that it's because of dogs eating just bones, always thought it was the sign of a poorly dog!
  4. At least cats try to hide their turds as oppose to dogs who have no issues at all with cracking one out in the middle of the pavement. Nowt worse than stepping in dog turd, absolutely rank. Remember going into Napoleons casino with a mate and he walked the biggest lump of dog turd all the way down the stairs, must have been about 10kgs of it!! The doorman Barry was in a right tangle!! He must have inadvertently stepped into a Great Danes weekly blow out. The whole casino stank all night. Put me right off my regular steak sandwich.
  5. Socialist worker. The friend of Hamas. 🀣 Terrorist, not terrorists. Get that keyboard sorted out son.
  6. Tough game obviously and Leicester will dominate. Going 0-2/3 Can't understand his persistence with Diaby. Ihiekwe with Iorfa is the best partnership. IMO.
  7. Oh, absolutely . It will be everyone's fault apart from the scum bag that blows folk to smithereens The bombers just love folk like Orgy, they will be laughing their heads off, literally.
  8. But isn't Netanyahu agreeing to hostage trades? Are you another one who wants to pander and negotiate because otherwise it might breed more terrorists? The barbaric monsters just love folk with that attitude.
  9. The bird feeder has spoken. We bow to your superior knowledge. Al Gore is on his way for advice, clean up that living room from seeds and mealworms. πŸ‘
  10. Hardly putting your neck on the line with that prediction are you. Of course it will last forever. Just like religious conflicts have been going ON forever.
  11. Crikey, all those hundreds of peace negotiators, diplomats and highly educated government officials that have been trying for decades and decades needed to chat with the likes of a bird feeding musician from Sheffield. That's where they have gone wrong If only they had thought of that. Have you thought about offering your services? "Orgys stating the bleeding obvious Ltd" Amazing.
  12. Thank goodness the likes of you don't make decisions as you would be offering the likes of the Manchester bomber a cream cake before he blew folk to smithereens. Are you suggesting these governments have never successfully thwarted a suicide bomber or managed to eradicate any from the planet?
  13. Big deal. Our lives are already dictated by the threat of nutters stabbing or blowing us up, nothing will change. Luckily, some governments have more balls than you and will not stop trying to rid the planet of nutters just because it might breed more. How weak would that be?
  14. Don't get all stroppy Grandad just because the younger generation can earn money whilst sat at home working online. After all, you care deeply about folk that you have never met, so be happy for me that I can earn money whilst also having a conversation with you, educating you on the modern working practices that millions of folk around the world now take up. This is also becoming rather popular.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_nomad I've worked since the age of 17 and have always worked, I am now 55. I pay my taxes, always have. So, before you open the monster gob of yours accusing folk of criminal activity, I would advise you to think twice, before pressing that send button. πŸ‘ Expect better from you.
  15. I highly doubt they will lose any sleep over it. They have been unpopular for absolutely years, bitter and twisted folk don't like successful countries. There is a reason why millions of folk want to live in the UK and America. They are not unpopular when countries of the world need aid though are they, when someone needs help, they are straight on the phone to the UK and America for help.
  16. Have you heard of the concept of working online/ working from home? I understand being an old man that you are not aware of the changes in working practices but trust me, you can work from home and online these days, it's great. I am actually at work right now. πŸ‘ I pay my taxes, and to accuse people of not paying them is incredibly offensive, but then I expect nothing more from a miserable, bitter and twisted old man.
  17. They were very good at helping millions of folk with financial assistance during COVID.
  18. Calling someone miserable is completely different from calling someone a liar, or thick or stupid or a terrorist or a racist or misogynist. Have I insulted you by the way?
  19. Apparently just like Matt Hancock he is coming across as a genuinely normal and likeable chap. That must be really annoying lots of folk.
  20. It's hardly surprising is it. Those pesky racists have been predicting this for years. Reap what you sow.
  21. Care or deeply care? Google virtue signalling and empty gestures. Little crew? I thought we were the same person? No need for bad language. πŸ‘ . 🍿🍿🍿
  22. Well, it's just been on CNN that a lady can't eat fish and chips until she finds her phone. πŸ˜‰
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