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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. "The Israeli military said it killed five Palestinians in a gunbattle during its operation in the Jenin refugee camp, where it was arresting a Palestinian suspected of killing an Israeli father and son at a West Bank car wash earlier in the year. The military said those killed were militants. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad group claimed one of the men, identified as Asaad al-Damj, 33, as a member", Might explain it. 👍
  2. You have literally no idea do you. My last proper holiday was years ago and my weight is bang on for my size. What a cantankerous, miserable old man you are. Let him have his daily fume. What a miserable man.
  3. The cops probably realised he had ordered boiled eggs and soldiers, so got scared.
  4. It sounds like a bit of paranoia to me.
  5. Where did I say you hate Jews? I completely stand by my view. I know exactly your thoughts, you are too transparent. Like I said, you started off all nice but then you started insulting posters who had a different view. No graffiti in some muslim areas? Oh, that obviously proves your point then, case closed.🙄 I stand with Israel. 🇮🇱 👍 Would you like to put that to the test Orgy, and on what basis do you get the impression that I am a drinker? What do you mean by that?
  6. I had to look that up. I wouldn't have thought so, do you?
  7. Being a hippie has never appealed. I wash every day and use deodorant, and that hippie juice is rank. Nothing against hippies at all though, each to their own.
  8. Would the community and church pay for my rent, food, council tax etc?
  9. How do they manage to pay rent, buy food, pay council tax, pay electric, gas, water, purchase new clothes, manage to travel, pay for a mobile phone and well, basically survive on 36 pounds per week? How do they do it? I could do with some tips.
  10. Indeed. Started off playing the nice guy then quickly descended into a spiteful contributor towards certain people. I sussed him out quite sharpish.
  11. No, I don't think so. Like I said, a decent striker and we would be a lower end championship side.
  12. Incredibly frustrating as we deserved a point at least. First half we were rather good, finding space, closing down well but we just can't finish our solid build up play. Second half we seemed to run out of gas and ideas but Birmingham looked no better. On another day we would have held out comfortably, it's just not going our way. We are not too far away from being a lower end championship side. Just need a decent striker.
  13. Absolutely. My partner is more left and my brother is a socialist! I love them both to bits and we get on great. I can't talk about politics with my partner though because just like most lefties she gets all shouty and aggressive. I know a few Americans who fell out with their family and friends because they voted for Trump. How incredibly pathetic.
  14. Goodness me, are you serious? Anyway... I think the very fact that Hamas admitted it was them that carried out the attack would have been a bit of a clue, don't you? 🙄🙄
  15. Well, we all know that deep down don't we. I highly doubt most of the morons causing problems last night would know how to spell far right, never mind know what it is. Fair, enough, but you suggested that the looters last night were far right. Did you interview them all to get to know their political leanings? Steady on with the personal insults, I understand it's difficult for you, but please try. 👍
  16. I've never met any Brazilian folk there. I know a lovely Brazilian couple in Sheffield though.
  17. Apparently Birmingham have been playing better than their results suggest. I just can't see us keeping a clean sheet. Going 2-1 Birmingham.
  18. So all looters, rioters and arsonists are far right. Crikey, you learn something every day.
  19. Good on him. Can't recall a time when Brazilian folk have caused any issues though, can you? Along with many immigrants from certain countries they seem to keep their heads down and cause no bother.
  20. Steady on there mate, you will be labelled as RADICALISED FAR RIGHT!!! 😆
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