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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Far right is the new buzzword and used by certain media outlets to brainwash the naive into thinking it's the same as right wing, and obviously it's working. Anyone right of Tony Blair is " far right" those days, it's child's play but I expect nothing less . It's taken over from.... White supremacists Racist. Incels Nazi, or that latest cracker Misogynist!!!! Along with these labels, "far right" will be used to the extent of it being watered down and will become just an empty meaningless jibe. Nothing beats that belter " radicalised" though. I am still sniggering at that. I honestly thought it was only used by angry spotty student activists with rich parents, not grown ups on the internet. 😆
  2. Ok chuckles. I can't take anyone seriously who uses the word radicalised on the internet. Given me the proper giggles has that. 😆
  3. Radicalised!!! 😆😆😆 Has " incel" become a bit boring now? Radicalised though, 😆😆 Classic.
  4. Terrible scenes from Dublin, complete yobbos just wanting to cause trouble. How does anyone know they are far right? Or is that just the default thing to say when there is any trouble? Still I suppose it kinda takes the attention away from the bloke who tried to kill children.
  5. Just accept defeat like an adult and stop behaving like a petulant child. I will show you how it's done when the conservatives lose the GE. Watch and learn son. 👍
  6. Don't get stroppy now. At least you didn't resort to personal insults. Small steps and all that. 👍
  7. Suck it up. Accept the result. The lefty excuse handbook when a right wing party wins... 1, Media to blame. 2, Didn't get a majority. 3, Russians. 4, Bent. 5, When these fail to gain any kudos and just fall on deaf ears, resort to personal insults. This will make you look silly but it's in our DNA. So when Labour win the next GE, who's fault will that be? Oops, nearly forgot. 🤣 Or should it be. 😭
  8. He won, and just like a typical leftie you are stamping your feet and refuse to accept the word "victory" because diddums it's not what I wanted..😭 so I will start throwing out personal insults. Suck it up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  9. The Guardian view, and the very last paragraph says all you need to know about the fascists on the left and their pathetic claim it's the right that are a threat to democracy. Are they on a bonus for how many times they can say " far right"? Just a little taste... "Hopefully, Mr Wilders can be kept out of power, or politically neutered once he achieves it." Even though he WON., they are praying others will not agree to form a coalition. Yet it's the right who are a threat to democracy.!!!! 🤪🤪 Pathetic little spoilt children who can't take being on the losing side. Dry your eyes Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/23/the-guardian-view-on-the-dutch-election-europe-must-learn-from-a-lurch-to-the-far-right
  10. Addameer.....Is that a Palestinian organization? Are you not the poster who suggested folk broaden their views by stepping outside their media circle? Not biased at all then? Could they squeeze in the word martyrs anymore, and why are these martyrs in prison? Maybe the Israelis want to keep the bodies because they know at some point they will need a bargaining tool when trying to negotiate with the parasites who want to wipe them off the face of the Earth? Oh crikey, it's going to be painful for the left to actually praise Andrew Tate!!
  11. Crikey, those stats will be getting Orgy in a proper state of confusion.
  12. He was obviously much better at cheating on his wife than assassination attempts.
  13. You're usual reasoned and adult mask is slipping today Anna. You're true feelings are well and truly coming out. Disappointing to say the least, thought you were above all that. 😞
  14. Not all grannies are in their 80s.!! I am guessing the sex drive of folk in their 80s is very low, I could be wrong however.
  15. I don't think the living conditions of hostages are the priority of barbaric loons.
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