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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Not a grandad. Absolutely some grannies are sexy, don't you think so?
  2. But obviously Corbyn would be the answer, right? The UK under Blair was absolutely booming, why would that disappoint you.
  3. Love how it's always ". Far right" when they win. ",He is vowing to solve the housing crisis and tackle inflation while portraying climate action as a new form of tyranny by The Hague. Still, some of his more extreme proposed measures – which include restoring Dutch border control, detaining and deporting illegal immigrants, and reintroducing work permits for intra-EU workers – would fundamentally change the DNA of the Netherlands" Far right? Sounds like common sense to me, maybe that's why the right wing are winning so many elections? Seems like so many places apart from Poland are voting in right wing governments. Seems like folk are finally waking up. Argentina, Holland, Italy, just to name a recent few. Spain, France and Germany next?
  4. I would love to be a goal keeping coach. Day one. " Hey up lads, right listen up.... Try and keep that white round thing out of that net". Cheers. See you next week.
  5. I wish there had been one of those a few times the lights came on at the Roxy at 2am.
  6. It's something I've never tried. I've smoked a few joints but they make me high rather than sleepy I am open to any suggestions to be honest.
  7. I find listening to a podcast helps, I usually listen to a science one, find it very soothing and I rarely get to the end. Put ear phones in if you are sharing a bed!! 👍
  8. I can only imagine! Got another 10 years left, unless I find treasure with my metal detector!!
  9. Insomnia has affected me for years, it's something I've got used to, but it definitely has a negative affect on my life. I average around 5 hours per night. I had prescription pills which help but they are not something I want to have to rely on. I get off to sleep no problem but wake up around 3 and struggle to get off again. I find that Benadryl work but can make me feel drowsy the following day. As OG rightly points out worrying about it makes it worse.
  10. Good on the ladies for refusing to play. Common sense prevails.
  11. Well, quite, but you don't do yourself any favours whatsoever with your constant childish and unnecessary insults.
  12. Best ignored. He is just an argumentative contrarian and depressingly boring.
  13. Absolutely spot on. A bit like those poor folk at that peace festival in Israel. Slaughtered by the very folk they would have been fighting for.
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