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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Absolutely spot on. A bit like those poor folk at that peace festival in Israel. Slaughtered by the very folk they would have been fighting for.
  2. Now Jack, you should know by now that if you write down on the internet that you are devastated by innocent children being killed, it MUST mean you care more than those that don't. I find it it incredibly strange and needy that people have to actually put this down in writing., like it's not a given. Still, I guess if it makes them feel better then so be it.
  3. Indeed Cressida. It's a sign of pure desperation and vulgar that certain posters are using the death and suffering of innocent children to try and score points Absolutely disgraceful behaviour.
  4. Racist!!!! Or summat. I think racist is a bit old hat now, let's try... islamophobia!!!!!
  5. I will be with you shortly, just catching up on " A tale of two cities" I will be a master of London and Paris within two shakes of a tail. Michael Palin and Al Gore have nothing on me, they are completely wasting their time actually visiting these places to get a feel of things. Have you considered being an advisor to the UN....they could do with such sage advice and know how? Oh, hang on, I've just seen a programme about the Sudan..... Consider me an expert. Stop the diplomats and special envoys!!!! I so wish I could have read the Karma Sutra or bought a video.....it's definitely equal to experiencing the real thing.
  6. I am cured. I've just watched TV and read a few books so I am now well versed into the cultures, morals and values of the rest of the world. Alan Wicker would be well impressed.
  7. All budding lawyers, engineers and doctors. It's all fake news anyway, Israel planned it all.
  8. I disagree. Traveling brings more knowledge of other cultures, how could it possibly not?
  9. The only time peace will prevail is if the Jews find somewhere else to live. It seems the only option when your neighbours want to wipe you off the face of the Earth.
  10. Just for balance. 👍 In 2021 and 2022, the US was the largest single donor to UNRWA, contributing over $338 million in 2021 and $344 million in 2022. UNRWA received over $1.18 billion in donations in 2021 and over $1.17 billion in 2022 from various nations and organizations. The beaches are lovely in Cyprus by the way, we agree on that. I am no superior being but I do revel in my common sense.
  11. The man, the myth, the legend has spoken. We are not worthy of such an esteemed presence, your knowledge of world wide events is akin to the Michael Palin's and Al Gore's of the world....we are lucky to be in the company of one with such sage advice. What's that again......... You have never been out of the country and don't have a passport? Behold the Messiah!!! The worlds diplomatic loss, is Sheffield forums gain. How can we serve oh master of all knowledge? 🙏🙏🙏
  12. Orgy knows best, even though he has never stepped onto an aeroplane, his knowledge of world events and the make up of cultures around the world is second to none. He also cares deeply about folk he has never met or heard of, regardless of their standing in society. That's quite the talent. We are blessed indeed to have such an oracle in our midst.
  13. Of course it doesn't. It's just my opinion of course but religion is a massive part of the life of most Muslims, and when push comes to shove I believe Muslims would be as one, because they share the same faith.
  14. It's a Muslim bloke screaming at a Jew shouting "Allah Akbar" over and over again. Doesn't that mean God is great? Bit religious ain't it?
  15. https://x.com/OliLondonTV/status/1725512505701638529?s=20 Nothing to do with religion? Don't make me laugh.
  16. As much as I commend your admittance that you could have worded your post differently, you are still basically believing those parasites Hamas. Are you saying that you don't believe rapes take place unless you personally see evidence? Why on earth would you in any way shape or form believe anything that comes out of the mouth of certain individuals who are capable of committing such heinous acts of violence ? I despair, I really do.
  17. Just quoting what Mafya said. Apparently selective outrage is because one side is brown, not because they are murdering parasites. 👍
  18. Mafya would rather believe people who murder, rape, torture, and maim, take hostages, take photos of dead bodies to put on social media and who spit on young dead girls. I wonder why? But apparently it's nothing to do with religion!!! Oh, and they are brown.
  19. I know exactly what he really thinks, sussed him out a while back. But it's because they are brown.
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