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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Ceasefire, this, ceasefire that, has any of these MPs explained how it might be accomplished? It's like calling for an end to poverty, cancer or knife crime without any kind of suggestion of how it could be done. It's just an empty gesture and virtual signaling.
  2. Maybe that's because just 4 weeks ago hundreds of Palestinians attacked, slaughtered , maimed, raped, tortured and then took hostages before parading a naked young woman on the back of a truck whilst Palestinians spat on her body. Not really a good look is it? I can't recall Ukrainian folk doing that, can you? I don't think there is any risk of Ukrainian folk stabbing and blowing us up in the name of religion is there? I don't get stopped at airports, concerts, euro tunnel for extreme security checks and have to be at the airport 3 hours before my flight because of a Ukrainian wanting to shout "Allah Akbar" before blowing me to smithereens.......unless I've missed something? But but but, it's because they are brown. Always playing the victim and racist card when desperate, I would have put my bottom dollar on you coming out with that at some point. 🙄🙄
  3. Speak for yourself, not for me or the blokes I know. You must have a weird circle of friends. 👍
  4. I will repeat.. If the Ukrainian government had attacked Russia, slaughtered, raped, tortured and took many hostages, then paraded the naked bodies whilst Ukrainian folk spat on them, then the attitude towards the Ukraine would be rather less sympathetic. But you know that. So the Palestine government don't use civilians as shields or have any headquarters in hospitals or schools, is that what you are saying? The Palestine population has grown quicker than anywhere in the world over recent years..... But genocide.......yeah, whatever. We see you.
  5. That I've been peeling a banana the wrong way. You start it at the bottom, apparently. 🥱
  6. I like equality. If someone from the right was displaying a placard that could incite violence they would be arrested. I totally understand your point, it's petty, ridiculous and a waste of police time, but what's good for the goose.... The left want a cotton wool society, but it has to work both ways.
  7. This. The Palestine ruling government don't care about their people. The protests fail to acknowledge this. If they used the billions in aid on infrastructure rather than bombs and rockets maybe their people, who voted them in would have better lives. But let's blame others. Let's be honest, if Israel wanted to kill as many civilians as possible, they would have done it within 24hrs, but they haven't.
  8. Really? The Palestine government is doing just that!! When have you seen Israel's government resort to such barbarian behaviour like spitting on dead and beaten young girls?
  9. It's a war! I bet the Israeli government don't parade raped and butchered innocent victims on the back of trucks and have their people spit on them. Why is she displaying that placard? For fun?
  10. There it is. I don't recall the Israeli government attacking innocent folk, murdering, torturing, raping and then parading the poor victims throughout the streets, whilst being spat on by Israeli folk. Oh and taking hostages... nearly forgot that one. Your attempts to make out the governments are the same are pathetic, but unsurprising. We see you.
  11. For those that have trouble identifying the difference. Left. Far left. 👍
  12. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12745199/jeremy-corbyn-refuses-call-hamas-terror-group-explosive-piers-morgan-interview.html Says all you need to know about the far left. What a horrible racist man. I guarantee the protests will be riddled with folk of the same view.
  13. Hate changing the sheets. Nearly puts my back out every time. Don't get me started on putting the duvet it it's cover!!
  14. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12745745/Woman-hunted-police-placard-Rishi-Sunak-Suella-Braverman-coconuts-teacher.html An ex Labour councillor and a teacher!!!!
  15. Granted, there should and will be talks and an inquiry into Israel's response at a later date. It's easy to pontificate about their response when your not directly involved Imagine for a second if your part of Sheffield was attacked, your family or friend was slaughtered, you see a picture of your daughter naked on a truck having been raped and murdered? I've absolutely no doubt if this were the case, those questioning Israel's response would have a different view. Make no mistake, this war was started by the Palestine ruling government. Maybe the Palestinians and the protesters around the world should be focusing their energy on the government that receives billions in aid yet spends it on rockets rather than infrastructure for its people? Regarding " it will breed new terrorists" So what, we live in fear of being stabbed and blown up already and have done for going on 20-30 years. If ridding evil from our planet means it produces a few more nutters who want to blow you and I to smithereens, then that's a price I am willing to pay. Remember, the next time you have to go through mass security at the airport or a concert and you see a poor pensioner having to take his belt off holding up his trousers, think of this... It's not because of some uneducated knuckle dragging football fan, it's because of some religious nut jobs who will shout "Allah Akbar"before he tries to kill you.
  16. Morning Tom. It's now a war, started by the Palestine ruling party and there will be innocent folk killed, I am not relaxed about that but Israel have the right to defend itself. Maybe if the Palestine ruling party didn't have their tunnels, artillery factories and so forth in civilian areas, hospitals and schools, there wouldn't be so many innocent folk killed.
  17. And a good leathering. The West is turning children into gibbering wrecks. When the UK is invaded by some nutters in about 20-30 years, the fighting generation will just accept it because they will be too busy complaining about the uniform being the wrong colour and protesting about the nutters not having enough food and shelter whilst they slaughter folk.
  18. Bingo. Like I've said before, the hypocrisy is outstanding. Also, imagine saying that a country defending itself and trying to rescue hostages is the same as monsters that purposely slaughter, torture, maim and kill innocent folk including babies, then take hostages and post images on social media? Absolutely shameful, but not surprising.
  19. It's actually good to see the police taking no bull and just sorting them out. I guess it wasn't the peaceful march the media have been telling us eh?
  20. But, after I've just pointed out on another thread, she was right!! The clips and videos that are now surfacing prove that without doubt. There was much hate on the march.
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