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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Will it be her fault when we see Palestine protestors causing disturbances or calling for " jihad"? You will be blaming her for Anthony Musaba missing an open net next!! 😉
  2. Come on now Tom. You know as well as I do that Braverman is now the scapegoat for any trouble. The left have their claws into her now and will not let go until she is either fired or resigns. They are like bullies with pitch forks. They see a target, froth and stamp away until they get what they want. It's child's play at best
  3. Innocent folk getting killed is unfortunate and awful but this is what happens when there is a war going on. I really don't know why that's so hard to fathom. If there were no wars then evil folk like Hitler and Hamas would have and would take over. Would that be preferable?
  4. Disagree. I think having Muslims on the street shouting " Jihad" and "white trash" rubs people up the wrong way. Let's hope the twitter lovers and the media have as many phones and cameras on the pro Palestine protestors as they do on the other lot. 👍
  5. Their presence might be because of Muslims shouting for " jihad" and " white trash" at the last protest march?
  6. I've no doubt there will be some knuckle draggers looking for trouble.....on BOTH sides.
  7. Far right thugs, why what they done wrong? Crikey, anyone would think that Israel had parachuted into Palestine and slaughtered, tortured and maimed hundreds to start this war off!
  8. I didn't realise one had to pick a side. Right wing thugs? Why are you not bothered about all the children in the Yemen ,is that not important enough for you or not the main issue? Since when do you decide what's important? Why no outrage about that? Are we not allowed to talk about other things like the guardian and it's blatant attempt to stir up trouble? Are you a fan of dictatorship? Ms Braverman is getting pelters for trying to stir things, I would have thought folk would have been equally as outraged by the Guardian and their attempts to stir things. Selective outrage is on fire today.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/10/counterprotest-groups-plan-to-confront-pro-palestine-marchers-say-met-police I see the Guardian is already blaming the right wing with their main headline....even though the Mets commissioner has stated.... “We know that there is likely to be some groups from BOTH sides â€Ķ who will likely seek each other out later on in the day.” Nothing like a bit of bias baiting is there, the guardian never fails.
  10. I stopped debating with women around the year 2002. You can never win. 👍 A rightie? Can't have been out in Netheredge or Heeley then. 😉
  11. Tough one for the blades but Brighton might still be hungover from beating Ajax. Going 2-1 Brighton.
  12. Evening Tom. There is no doubt Braverman has used language that is too shall we say "over the top" but in my opinion she is on the right track. I would suggest at least 50% protesting this weekend are just there to protest against capitalism, anti government and so forth, I doubt most wouldn't even know where Palestine is on a map and have absolutely no idea what's going on as proved by my earlier link. My point still stands though, the same folk berating Tommy as his pals will be berating Braverman for using the same sort of language, it's hypocrisy. You off to Hillsborough tomorrow? Be a frustrating draw I reckon.
  13. Millwall are stubborn and seem to always frustrate us at Hillsborough. Going 1-1.
  14. So the home secretary is getting blasted for her words regarding the protest yet the very same people are using the same vocabulary towards those who are going down to protect the cenotaph. ðŸĪŠ What's it to be as the hypocrisy, once again is all over the place?
  15. Good for them. Tolerant and measured, I would expect nothing less. Its good in advance to know that if any trouble occurs in London it's already being put out that it will be the fault of the right wing. Got to have a scapegoat ready. 👍
  16. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12731599/I-need-clued-Students-quizzed-pro-Palestine-protest-reveal-little-know-Israel-Hamas-conflict-dont-know-terror-group-launched-bloody-slaughter-October-7-insist-killers-freedom-fighters.html I guess this is all false and just propaganda also to the silly authoritarians sausages on here. Don't fight it, just admit you were wrong to question the originality of the video. 👍
  17. Are you saying that the link I provided is false and not real? Are they actors? So, what are you saying, come on, don't be shy?
  18. https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1722559581082046941?s=20 Shocked I tell thee. I bet they don't even know why they are protesting, typical left wing students, brainwashed morons.
  19. Oh please.... Stop with the hyperbole, it's fooling no one, well actually it is few on here. Let me guess, you one of those that slates the government for sticking its nose in to other countries problems but all of a sudden wants our government to now intervene? Mind you, selective bias is your favourite phrase isn't it. Go figure. All these folk that keep harping on about the USA and the UK for getting involved in other countries business yet now want them to intervene.. Priceless. ðŸĪŠ
  20. He could be talking about anyone to be fair as he insults just about everyone. ðŸ˜Ą ☁ïļ
  21. One of my best pals had a high end job in engineering and last year he gave it up ( early retirement)and now works part time on the tills in a supermarket. He says his stress levels have gone and he wishes he had done it years ago.
  22. Yep. Jews successful. And we know how much the left hate successful people, it's that simple.
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