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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I've absolutely no doubt the workers on strike will be on the picket line every day rather than on holiday or fishing somewhere. 🙄 I see the socialist worker rag is already calling the office workers who are trying to void the gaps, scabs. Such lovely folk. Unions are just extreme left wing bullies.
  2. Oh now come on jack, you must realise it's now a competition to show how much you really really really care. Change your Facebook avatar to a Palestine flag, cover yourself with rainbow coloured armbands and write down how much empathy you have... because after all if you do that it shows you MUST care more than everyone else.
  3. So basically you are saying that people should believe what terrorists say just because they all of a sudden state they will not blow up any more Israeli folk....., just before an election is coming up? Wow, you can't possibly be that naive or openly bias towards a terrorist organisation can you? We see you, regardless of your transparent attempts to pretend otherwise, it's obvious where your alliances are/agenda is. A Hamas candidate also said in the 2006 manifesto.. "Hamas is talking about the end of the occupation as the basis for a state, but at the same time Hamas is still not ready to recognise the right of Israel to exist, Hamas is looking to establish a new political strategy" Aye, invading Israel and slaughtering innocent Israeli folk and then video them battered bruised and dead for the world to see. Then using civilians as human shields and setting up military bases in hospitals and schools, Lovely folk are Hamas.
  4. Maltby residents would shoot it down and sell it for parts at the nearest car boot sale.
  5. Not too much wine, maybe 100mg and maybe a teaspoon of pepper or chilli flakes. It's tastes unpleasant but it will help. 👍
  6. I chop up raw garlic, a couple of cloves then add it to some lemon water and slam it down.!! Its rather strong but it will definitely help. I also find hot red wine with the pepper a good cure.
  7. I've been ill for the last week or so, flu like symptoms. Just rest, lots of garlic, paracetamol and an occasional hot red wine with lashings of pepper. Starting to recover now. Good luck.
  8. I keep reading about this supposed genocide that Israel have been determined to fulfill.... However.... From 1990 to 2022 the population of Palestine increased from 1.98 million to 5.04 million people. This is a growth of 155.0 percent in 32 years. The highest increase in Palestine was recorded in 1991 with 4.58 percent. The smallest increase in 2017 with 2.01 percent. In the same period, the total population of all countries worldwide increased by 50.6 percent. Doesn't sound like to much genocide going on to me. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
  9. The unhinged have been blowing up innocent folk for years, nothing will change.
  10. That's no reason to back down from taking out terrorists. We are already under threat of attacks and have been for years, it affects our lives already. Don't let the threats of even more bombings, attacks and blowing up innocent victims stop democracy.
  11. Yes, and not everyone has your view believe it or not. More insults, what a shock. Textbook. 👍
  12. It's funny because the likes of the Guardian think anything right of Jeremy Corbyn is " far right" It's designed to make the weak and naïve be brainwashed into thinking right wing and far right are one and the same. On a personal note, why do you think every post you make is funny? Are you the type that laughs at his own jokes? Just for you..... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  13. I knew that would bring you out. She has shown her true colours. Oops, nearly forgot... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  14. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/emma-thompson-defends-flying-5-400-miles-to-join-climate-protests-a4126066.html Do as I say, not as I do. Just another hypocrite 😂😂
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/07/far-right-germany-afd-minorities Far right!!! 😂😂 Her very last sentence is rather alarming, what does she mean? Attacks on German citizens, bombs going off, machete attacks?
  16. Indeed. The biggest reason why is that there will always be millions upon millions who want them and why...... because they make you feel so good, it's why so many participate.
  17. Really? When I stay in Eastern Europe I call myself an immigrant. What's wrong with being an immigrant?
  18. Indeed, no violence, shouting or intimidation.
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