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  1. Financially it is a joke of a competition, unless you get to Wembley (but even then it’s only mild financial incentive). Hence why PL teams tend to risk nobody in it.
  2. Not sure what match fitness has to do with your original statement of buying a striker with potential winnings…. But back to the original statement of yours… Wednesday will get a 45% share of gate receipts which would amount to a maximum of around £110k with a complete maximum adult crowd. The estimated amount is going to be much less with a percentage of kids tickets! Financially the tie is worth probably around the £100 mark with the prize money thrown in… So I asked again, which gem do you plan on signing with that?
  3. The winner of the competition only gets about £125k and quarter finalists only get about £25k, soooo who are you hoping to purchase with that third round mega sum?? 😂😂
  4. I don’t imagine it will be an easy game despite the fact I consider us to be the better team. Hull will make it tough for us and it will be dogged in places, but I expect the class to shine through and another three points in the bag.
  5. United quickly establish upper hand and deflate delusion shock 😂😂 Must find a way to vent my return to frustration, therefore I will try and attack by any means possible in hope of deflecting from my clubs underwhelming misfortunes 😂😂
  6. It will be a difficult one without being able to play the old ‘weakest championship in a long time’ card for em 😂😂 As the knuckle dragging Millwall lot sang… ‘your city is red’ 😂😂
  7. How much does Dejphon pay you out of interest 😂
  8. Solid performance. When you have one up top, you need options through midfield and we have them in abundance. As long as O’hare, Hamer, Rak-Sakyi, Brooks and co keep offering themselves up in the final third, this should continue to work nicely. Souza seems to have settled down again and he will happily mop things up in behind when called upon. Very happy with that performance and result, keep them coming. Picking them all off at Bramall Lane will carry us a long way towards a decent season. There won’t be many coming to our place and beating us this season!
  9. Statistically everything points to a score draw, but we will have to see. With trusty moving on, I hope that we will be defensively better. I have way more confidence in Souttar at the back than I would with the former. Souttar, Ahmedhodzic and Moore offer a physical, aerial threat from set pieces that we have lacked for a while as well. Will be interesting to see how we set up with several midfield options available. I personally expect Moore up top with two players wide of him again, I have to admit however than I’m not overly fond of seeing Hamer out wide, although he does link up well with Burrows. Regardless though we need to surround Moore with outlets and options as opposed to putting him up top and expecting him to weather a storm alone. So we need direct runs through the middle of the park to create ‘10s’ and play off him. Watford are a form team and they will have a bit of confidence in them because it has been working, but I don’t think we need to fear them if we stick to our own game. Jebbo doesn’t fear me in the slightest, despite returning player syndrome. Stats say score draw, I say Home win with perhaps BTTS. UTB
  10. What a load of rubbish 😂😂 You can your laughing faces that you requested for that one! Is it meant to be in depth analysis or bold statement that states facts? I don’t go to Wednesday matches, along with a large percentage of the owls fans on here incidentally. Also reading is optional, but you go out of your way to read and then criticise. Perhaps don’t read my posts if they upset you so much, because I will keep posting as I am well within my rights to do so.. sorry Mr Forum 👮‍♂️ 😂😂 And good old Kalvin getting slated… The owls fans on help jumped on his bandwagon and promoted his behaviour for some time, leading to him lingering like a foul smell. Maybe they are to blame? And the gents that you have listed… far superior to a forum such as this. You used to be able to chat and have freedom of speech back in those days. These days it’s just a load of old blokes who don’t go to games and who spend far too much of their lives sat on the forum insulting strangers in order to feel better about themselves. Right, would love to chat but I’m off to watch my team play football in the flesh, as fans do! Cheerio!
  11. Ordinarily there tends to be reason why free transfers are free.
  12. He’s not the messiah and the finest manager in England any more then? See what he’s got suggests that you don’t believe him to be the man you all thought he was? Listen you all got ahead of yourselves and believed yourself to be something that you are not. A result against an abysmal Plymouth team was never going to be the basis or a benchmark for your season ahead. I don’t need to say a thing, the results are putting you lot back in rank. Once the deludimol has worn off you lot may see that once more your manager has been given naff all to build a squad with (only Bassett would ever disagree). If the manager is as good as you lot suggest then surely he would have received a cash budget? As for Millwall, nowt special really. But they are established and know how to play football in this league. They have added to an established Championship team and have a leader who knows what they league is all about Easily appeased you Wednesday fans… but the cracks will soon show again. Zero budget for another manager, yet the financial demands on fans increase once more. Bottom half mediocrity all the way.
  13. Solid early point against a team who will hold their own as always this year. It’s knitting and the new lads are begging to get it, we are not the finished article yet but that is understandable. A performance like that beats a good few teams in this league, so it is exciting to see what happens when it comes together properly. Small early steps towards a bigger eventual goal. A lot is about the change at our football club so these early foundations are vital… very positive
  14. - Max Lowe, “pants down”…. There is the reason he was free. Not very good, leave it at that. - Barry bannan, bizarrely still the messiah seemingly. He isn’t’t up to scratch any more. You might get 2 or 3 good passes out of him over 90 mins, but having him in there is like playing with 10 men. He passes and then drops deep all the time, he doesn’t move play forwards, he is static and invites pressure. You have pace out wide but nothing pushing on with it… he’s done. More fool you lot. - Danny Rohl. What is it? 9 or 10 in and nothing really going… They are now his players and this is where you see how good a manager he is. Tactically poor tonight. Leeds stepped down a gear without any problems. - Chansiri - Supposedly one of the best managers around they tell us, not sure why? But chansiri allows one mediocre signing and bulks the rest with freebies again. Zero ambition and leaves you scratching your head where you stand going forwards. Chansiri obviously isn’t in a position to do so. - All the above while ticket prices hit sky high and replica shirts follow. Worrying
  15. Blades win against a bogey team
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