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Irene Swaine

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Irene Swaine last won the day on March 8

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  1. Perhaps they could restrict how far the windows open. And places like Regent's court which have open balcony style corridors, even on the top floor could be made enclosed. The government also needs to take mental health more seriously. I have family who have been on the waiting list to see a therapist for months. Crippling energy prices and food prices in the supermarkets make life harder for people too, people get in debt and get stressed etc. It's very sad.
  2. Parson Cross is larger and more densely populated than Beighton. Not all crimes are reported either. Not everyone who lives in Beighton will be undesirable, as I said there are some good people there but also a lot of scumbags and I've seen more gangs hanging round the shops on there up to no good than I have on Parson Cross etc. The local school, Westfield has a massive problem with bullying too, there was a school teacher posting on here last year about the problems that go off on the school field and looking for advice/input. No one from Chaucer or Yewland's has come on here with concerns.
  3. Thank you for your wonderful input. 🙄
  4. It really isn't. There is a correlation between immigration and homelessness. Britain is a small island. We are full.
  5. A coroner has ordered Sheffield City Council (SCC) to take action after 2 people sadly fell to their deaths from high rise tower blocks in Upperthorpe & Netherthorpe. Concerns have been raised surrounding tower blocks across the city after a woman's death in December last year was found to be caused by falling from one of the council owned towers. Sheffield Council owns and operates housing blocks across the city, including at Upperthorpe, Netherthorpe, Herdings, Stannington and Hyde Park. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?photo_id=956388339274719 ---------- What a tragic and avoidable way to die. It must be awful for their families.
  6. I don't need to be to have an opinion on the subject. It's my tax money funding the hotels for boat dwellers etc. MPs such as Nigel Farage, who is an expert have said the same as me, we need to stop immigration for the good of our people.
  7. I read in their latest news magazine that the burgers are hand prepared and freshly fried in each kitchen. This contradicts the re-heat methods that the young chap on TIK TOK showed us a few years ago. Perhaps the recipe has changed. The burgers look tiny to me and you only get around 10 chips. If I'm eating out, I'd rather go to an independent pub and pay £15 for a meal and feel full up but obviously Wetherspon bars are convenient and more affordably priced and there are more of them.
  8. I am saying it is. More migrants equals more people needing jobs = less jobs for British people = less money for British people = problems paying mortgages and rent for British people. More migrants = more social housing occupied = elongated waiting times for housing on the council.
  9. It's just as rowdy as The Banker's Draft & Penny Black in there. Sadly someone was stabbed to death in the next pub along (Gypsy Queen) a few years ago. There are some decent and respectable people in the Beighton area but also a lot of rough riff raff. Areas like Parson Cross etc unfairly get a bad rap when areas like Beighton and Westfield are just as bad if not worse. Also not everyone in the pub will be from the area, God gave us 2 legs for a reason but yes I agree with you there are some rough people that drink in there. I have found the staff to be a mixture in there, some are polite and pleasant and some just grunt at you. It needs more bench seating too I think. I can't sit on stand alone chairs for too long as I find it uncomfortable. The Drakehouse Mill up the road is quite a nice pub, apart from the kids TV channels playing in every corner that make it feel like a creche.
  10. Yes, it's really sad that food banks are needed. Access to food should be a right, just like it is in France where everyone has the right to fresh bread. I run a catering business and we donate what we can to the food banks and also support The Salvation Army and other night shelters where we can. I went to Lakeside Village the other day and the foodbank donation pod was empty, and this was towards the end of the day so not as if it had just been put there.
  11. It's all so depressing. It shouldn't be up to places like The Salvation Army to sort out the government's failings. I do believe the money is there in the post. How many millions have we posted to the Ukraine in the last 2 years? This is British tax money that is supposed to benefit British people.
  12. Considering there was no police action taken for action by some eastern culture Muslim parents who protested against the Western teacher in Kettlethorpe school's comments and the Western non-Muslim boy in Bradford who accidentally dropped a Quaran and received death threats, would it be safe to assume no police action would be taken if parents want to protest outside this school?
  13. We must say no to having a Sharia law govern this country. I am not Muslim. I will not follow Muslim ruling.
  14. We need to close our borders immediately and turn back every single boat on the same day. We need to stop foreign aid and look after our own. This is controversial but perhaps price caps should be put in place on houses and rent rates. Ofcourse British Gas et al are ripping people off left right and centre in the disguise of the fake war, and a lack of wind, despite last night's storm. That said, a survey conducted by South Yorkshire Police found that out of 50 so-called homeless people, only 8 were genuinely homeless. Charities such as The Salvation Army provide shelter and The Arches Project provide food. As a short term solution, if it were up to me, I'd get one of the disused steel yards, provide a load of tents and let the genuinely homeless people sleep there. Better than being unsheltered on the streets. As for the people who beg on the streets, they are ruining the city and making it an anti-social place. The city centre ambassadors need to crack down on this kind of behaviour. The RSPCA also need to ne rounding up all of the dogs that sit on the cold pavement with them, day in, day out too. If a normal person put a dog out on to the street im freezing weather, they'd be charged with animal cruelty but if you claim to be homeless, it seems to get a free pass.
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