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Everything posted by vmam

  1. I can't understand these hatred laws, I only hate one person and he's English and white, the rest Immigrants included I just don't like so why is dislike and hate bundled up into one
  2. Vet all prospective tenants, it doesn't work thinking bad tenants will learn from good tenants.
  3. I heard the the Tridents blue paper touch paper got wet !
  4. Don't accept anymore Channel immigrants crossings.
  5. His manager once approached me for information on historic areas of Sheffield, for ideas for new songs for an album he was making.
  6. I just cannot understand the cod lips,face piercing, multiple tattoos on their chests and necks. I know it's their decision but do they think of how they will look in old age, I known I shouldn't but I avoid them in shops.
  7. I know exactly how you feel, the council denied getting any reports from me covering over eighteen months of incident until we told them how come we have them on a floppy disk I'm now holding, reaction was instant, on we've found them. Still nothing was done, during the time we endured her, four close neighbours near her moved out again council disregarded their complaints too.
  8. We both loved our maisonette and we loved Gleadless Valley until the council ruined it. We now live in a two bed bungalow ten miles away, brilliant neighbours, no out of control children and teenagers, no out of control dogs at the side of what we reluctantly left it's like heaven, I forgot to mention our nuisance neighbour used to pour buckets of urine off her veranda and down on to ours, you can imagine the smell of stale urine, reported it to council, two women came out one went to try to speak to the neighbour and the other stepped on to our veranda, the snell was still strong then the official uttered these words " I can't smell anything as I have a cold" they went, we never had any feed back , we asked for our veranda to be steamed cleaned, no response after three requests, so we cleaned it ourselves.
  9. We had the same problem for over twenty years, we filled in diaries only to be told after three years we should be using official diaries, three years wasted there. The nuisance tenant above us flooded our bedroom over twelve times twice on the same evening, no compensation or help from the council. Sheffield had constant rows with a progression of boyfriends, she was a drug user, she stopped up all night she also kept her toddler up with her, we had a recorder installed and it did record her washing machine going after three A.M, when the council listened to the recording we were amazed the council official said " it sounds like a car going past " Sheffield was arrested for threatening a woman with a twelve inch kitchen knife, result she was locked up but put on probation. I was quite obvious that the council were not going to do anything about her. In 2021 other council actions with other tenants gave us the push to leave our maisonette after 54 years. The council will not help anybody but themselves.
  10. I well remember the kite man, wasn't it October / November time when he sold them? Fairleigh was part of my route to St Theresa's school.
  11. How can you make a pact with something you can't see ? Sheffield still suffered from old age.
  12. My question is why is this animal still in the UK? Because this country is run by do-gooders, just look at most of the crimes that are committed here and decide for yourself just who's committing them.
  13. I've no truck to the people you mention If they work, it's the ones coming by the thousands with their hands out, just for the record I had a Pakistani friend at school from Lahore, I've worked with Arabs from Aden, Egypt, Jamaicans, Italians, Irish and Poles and everyone were hard workers, l got on with everyone of them.
  14. Fame at last, if you have trolled through posts it shows your bleeding heart, don't comment unless you have lived among immigrants.
  15. I'm in the same frame mind, there's no respite from these cooking programmes, Saturday and Sunday too, " Celebrity Prisoners : How to cook a cake with a file inside" I'm waiting for that one. All the utensils are brand new the " celebrities?" look as though they exist on going out for meals or takeaways.
  16. The answer is simple stop throwing money at boat people, don't give them anything free accomodation, mobile phones, iPads or money but give all the money saved, billions, it to our cash strapped councils
  17. Vera started off as a decent series, sadly the wokes spoilt it, young detective with half an arm abs part of Vera's team, would that really happen ? filling it with black actors, last night was a case in point, I've never seen so many men working in a chip shop, usually it's the owner and the rest are women and the large black man working there, never seen that in my life. No research done. Fools and horses is being shown all day every weekend, just to much.
  18. Did they have a daughter called Jean ?
  19. The police, the council and the media are all scared to death to be called racist but it's ok to let our young girls be raped by Asian men, criminals from Europe are also backed away from, lawyers that cry out racism and human rights need to be cured, anyone who is arrested from any foreign country should be reported with or without a trial.
  20. It's same in Eckington, within 100 yards there's around five barbershops with no customers. Don't the police find this strange ?
  21. I asked my wife to get two watches fitted with new batteries, this was while she was at Crystal Peaks this morning, she went to the stall close to the escalator, she gave the two watches to the saleswoman, one an Seconda which cost around £30, for a battery my wife was quoted £26 and the other one , a Rotary, this cost me £100 and the saleswomen quoted for a new battery £35, my wife did say that both quotes were to expensive, the assistant then said for the price " we clean the watch and it's guaranteed" for what it was guaranteed for who knows, my wife declined both prices and went into the market at the Peaks and got both watches fitted with new batteries for £4 each.
  22. You should try to look and the fantastic carving on the pearl scales, the executor of the work got paid a fantastic fee for his masterpiece, over a £1,000 which was an absolute fortune.
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