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Everything posted by vmam

  1. Not all the people living on the streets want a home as it would mean paying rent and utility bills, seems begging is a lucrative side line.
  2. Lack of drivers is a weak excuse for 252 buses missing, yet their other routes Plumley etc seem to run ok, many people are late for work because missing buses, this awful service has been like this for the two years I've relied on it, just imagine going to Sheffield from Eckington, waiting for a return bus home, it's missing, the next ones missing too THEN they are taken out of service from 14:00 till 16:00 for the school run but they even do that when the children are on holiday, if you get caught out but this it means a taxi home, costs £18-+.
  3. The 252 service from Sheffield to Crystal Peaks is already a joke so no buses at Christmas is normal. Only yesterday three consecutive buses were missing when a passenger rang TM Travel they were told there would be no buses until after 12:00, it's like living in a pre motor era. TM are a disgrace.
  4. I was stopped in my tracks when I heard Shane's version of the anti war song Waltzing Matilda with it's haunting banjo accompanyment and single drum beat, absolutely brilliant.
  5. Set your modem back to factory settings, on the rear of your modem there's a small hole insert a paper clip or a pen hold it for eight seconds withdraw clip or pen and let the modem reboot .
  6. Any mention of him living with Randolph Scott for years.
  7. We get Hedgehogs in our garden and I'm sick of them, they crap all over the lawn and if you tread in it without seeing it , it ends up on the carpet in the house.
  8. Eckington is a paradise at the side of Sheffield, no noise, no 'orrible dogs, no teenagers hanging about etc. , we had a taxi from Chesterfield a couple of weeks ago and he wouldn't take a tip.
  9. The score yesterday unbelievable, I thought it was the new diet sheet for the players " eight nowt "
  10. I use the local taxi firm in Eckington, all local drivers and I can talk to the drivers without having to listen to eastern music or not understanding what they are saying.
  11. If the government can afford to to put immigrants in hotels at a cost of £7,000,000 per day, give millions in aid to wealthy nations they should stop all that and look after our own , pensioners should get at least £250 per week ,with the chronically sick the same, workshy individuals should get their money reduced.
  12. He's still there but over the shelf inside on the right I think but I can't remember if he's working.
  13. Sorry but that's just rubbish, simple words are now deemed offensive and the people who it supposed to offend don't care or understand why the hoo-ha , it's the wokes who get it into their heads that they know better than the rest of us and think we will automatically agree with the rubbish they come up with, sadly this forum has some of these people.
  14. Can't comment as the censorship that's rife will remove my post, truth is a very important word.
  15. My mate is coming up to his eightieth birthday and his memory is unbelievable, mention anything and he'll tell you about, he's a twenty year old in an old man's body, but he's been cheered up this week by being informed that his pension is going up 25p per week, after working 60 years, where's the six million pounds per day pot for old people and the real people who are struggling in today's climate.
  16. All so called talent shows, sex island, karda****es, cooking programme's, Rosie Jones can't tell a word she utters, soaps adverts showing hardly any white actors in fact nearly everything on TV.
  17. I moved two years ago to Eckington having lived my first 21 years on the Manor estate then moved to Gleadless Valley where we lived for 53 years , when I lived on the Manor you never saw any kind of American bull dogs, perhaps a staffie or two but generally they were cross bred dogs, around thirty years ago the type of dog that that became popular were the tough looking dogs that the owners used to enhance their standing in their particular group and to scare other people, then the Doberman , Rottweiler sadly the American Pit bull became the dog of preference by the idiots that infested the Valley, I know all dogs have a quick change temperament but responsible owners seem to contain their urges. Since moving here two years ago I've seen one " my dogs more vicious than yours " dog the others that pass my home every day is like watching Crufts contestants strolling in front of the judges. To end all dogs can bite but for some people actually promote this trait is scandalous, don't put all dogs in a black light, ( can I say that Mr Woke )
  18. Bob the Builder. can't believe someone looking for different meanings in songs.
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