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Posts posted by vmam

  1. Visited the Moor yesterday, idiots, druggies, alcoholics, homeless beggars, take your pick to what they were, they were shouting and swearing on the seating outside Sainsbury's, one of them saw a mate walking up near Atkinson's " where the f-----g he'll have you been " he shouted this despite women and children milling around , sat outside Sainsbury's door was a middle eastern man begging for money, just why do the authorities allow these people spoil a once decent area, I should mention when all the swearing and shouting was going off two p.s.o. walked past without a glance.

  2. When labour came to my door canvassing for votes, I asked why only immigrants were getting all the empty properties, I told him I didn't want to live in an African village, he didn't know what to say.

    Children as young as eight or nine were looking after toddlers while parents were out scrounging for unwanted things which they parcelled up and was sent back to the Congo to be sold, if we left children in charge of toddlers we would be in court charged with child neglect.

  3. We lived in the same council Maisonette for fifty four years, it was brilliant then the council put Immigrants in 16 of the 20 Maisonettes, rubbish everywhere, grassed areas dug up to plant corn, cooking on the pavement, the council wouldn't respond to emails and photos, it got gradually worse so we had to move, plus drug dealers were never bothered by the police, it was rife but nothing was done.

    We loved our Maisonette but having to move was all down to the council not wanting to be called racist, the Immigrants did as they pleased and we had to live among it. 

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  4. 15 hours ago, Cody's Granddad said:

    Did anyone ever drink in this pub in the past and did you ever get any vibes or anything unusual, they say it's one of the most haunted pubs in Sheffield.

    But they say that about a few other pubs to, what's your experience in this pub.

    Now derelict since 2008

    Absolutely rubbish, it was no different to any of the pubs nearby.

  5. On 24/07/2023 at 00:04, Irene Swaine said:

    Big pouch of hand rolling tobacco, imported from the annual holiday to benidorm. Says "reyt" instead of right. Drives a racing blue coloured Ford Focus. Wears a tracksuit even when not exercising, shorts on a sunny day to show off the Sheffield Wednesday tattoos on the leg. Says cheers instead of thank you. Owns a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Lost life savings gambling and thinks they are a stand up comedian that everyone wants to listen to after 3 pints of Strongbow Dark Fruit.

    And there am I thinking they were honest, hard working people.

  6. 20 minutes ago, Hans-solo said:

    Just a quickie advice wanted I live in a block of flats downstairs flat has a camera fetish ring doorbell aswell in communal area and cameras all round outside I hate it feeling of being watched all time are these allowed on flats will ask sheffield homes this week but if anyone  knows where we stand with them then pls let me know cheers in advance

    I'd thank him for making me feel safe.

  7. 19 hours ago, Padders said:

    I started a thread a few years ago about getting rid of this awful stuff lining our pockets, due to the rising cost of living I thought I'd mention it again.

    I am, of course referring to 1ps and 2ps.

    They're absolutely worthless, and annoying.

    I've become rather adept at finding discarded ones, especially in amusements arcades and around school playgrounds, I could easily find enough to pay for the price of a pint.

    Not anymore!

    I need to be searching for 5ps and 10ps to make it worthwhile.

    Isn't it time to get rid of the dam things.

    Charity boxes would also benefit, as people would pop in their 5/10ps instead of 1/2ps.

    We got rid of farthings and halfpennys a long time ago, so is now the time to get rid of this shrapnel?


    If you got rid of the " Brown Soap" the first thing that will happen is everything at ninety nine pence ands similar would be rounded up , so everything costs more.

  8. When Arundel Lane was ripped up, back of the Rutland pub, Amey workers were selling the cobbles off for £50 a load, all cash in hand plus the supervisors and managers knew all about it and before someone says it's a lie my mate drove the JCB that ripped them up and loaded them up for cash in hand customers,  A certain section of  Amey workers stole anything that was being replaced and sold it on.

  9. 13 hours ago, pattricia said:

    At one time every family had The Star delivered in the evening. People liked to look in the Obituaries section to see if anyone had died who they knew.

    I think turning what had been an evening paper into a morning paper wasn't liked by the readers, my family loved to read the Star after coming home from work and after tea.

    Then suddenly the expectation of reading about the people appearing in court for being D & D and as mentioned the obituaries when it was safe to publish the deceased address without fear of getting burgled.

  10. 13 hours ago, Jannsmith said:
    One magical night only
     Dan Patchett as Michael Buble is at the
     Fairway Inn .
    Birley Lane
     S12 3BP
    Saturday 3rd June
    8pm - 11pm 
    £12.00 a ticket available from the bar , over the phone. ( 01142653692 )
    or pm here
    Complimentary buffet included

    It's called the Fairway not Fairways

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