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Everything posted by vmam

  1. Just seen on the news the family of the two boys who lost their lives are now looking to blame for the tragic event but they should only look in the mirror, they bought the bike and allowed them to ride the bike while under age, now they smell money by probably trying to sue the police.
  2. It's sad they lost their lives but looking at them in their trainee hooligan uniforms, it makes you wonder just what the parents are thinking of letting them dress like that and were they even bothered what they were doing .
  3. No it's not, to many items about fast food shops opening and bars, news already been on their website a couple of days previous, what's happened to the court report? Property pages highlight houses in the £500,000 plus range, I don't think people who can afford these houses buy the Star. The so called reporters put streets and roads in the wrong areas, spelling mistakes abound and the never ending reviews on newly opened American fast expensive food outlets . The Star is the proverbial joke of a paper.
  4. I've known it to snow as late in the year as November 🤭🤭
  5. Excuse the pun but have they cut the service in the well to do areas. I remember when I went to work through those areas, council workers removed the fallen leaves from the pavement after every Autumn whereas the council estates any leaves were left for the wind to scatter.
  6. Personally I can't always understand what Toby Foster is saying, he seems to run one word into another, making him ,well to me, talking jibberish.
  7. Always let their fans down.
  8. So sorry for the extra " L ", suppose you are purrefect .
  9. Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride.
  10. They will always sound louder at night, are they a problem for you ?
  11. C.C.T.V. everywhere and still the idiots with spray cans carry on making a mess of the city buildings, only THEY think it looks good, well I've got news for you, it isn't. The beggars should not be allowed to frequent the Moot, Pinstone Street, Fargate in fact anywhere, put them to work cleaning the mess they leave. No if or buts, they know exactly what they are doing and just don't care.
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