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  1. When council officers actively promoted a land-grab involving StLukes and Graves Park, members became very active in opposition and SF threads shared valuable sources of information, options and proposals. Many thousands of posts were viewed by many, including charity commissioners, patrons, councillors and officers and can be said to have been influential in the rejection of the proposals and the change of control of the Council that year.
  2. One major obstacle for secondary school pupils has been the increased lack of safe, secure and suitable lockers/cloakrooms for outdoor clothing/coats.
  3. Latest: "After a review process, the decision has been made to stop accepting evidence through this platform. If you have evidence of dangerous road use, that you wish to report to police please submit to https://nextbase.co.uk/national-dash-cam-safety-portal/ Alternatively you can report an incident through to South Yorkshire Police's new website. Thank you for your participation and submissions between 2021 and 2024." https://www.southyorkshire.police.uk/police-forces/south-yorkshire-police/areas/campaigns/campaigns/operation-park-safe/
  4. Can the existing routes handle a greater frequency of trams? The reason I ask is because some of the trams are full to capacity at rush-hour, meaning that simply extending the line, without increasing capacity will not work.
  5. I sympathise with all that have problems but I rarely encounter the same. I can usually get an appointment on the same day by telephone, or can get a less urgent appointment within 10 days (sometimes less) via their online booking service. Fair to say that I am not requesting a specific doctor, just any available.
  6. Not entirely correct. Dogs must be on short lead on the 'open access areas" during this nesting season. The law does not change if on a defined public footpath that may, or may not pass through these areas and requires dogs to be under close control.
  7. Thank you. Just had a quick look and they offer same level of cover at £54. Tempted to do a quick cancel!
  8. I moved to Green Flag as my Breakdown Provider some years ago after the AA & RAC were getting ridiculously expensive and taking the 'p' with renewal quotes. I have been happy with Green Flag but have noticed that their rates have also been creeping up (although still half the cost of the big boys). Recently I got my renewal quote wanting £111 for the year (up from £95). I parked it for a while and looked around for alternative prices. Considerably cheaper is out there, but often with excesses and other charges. I forgot about it and then the nudging letter came. By the time I got round to it again, today, my policy had lapsed and the 'renew' option had gone so I was resigned to getting a new quote and expecting it to be higher. Went on today and beggar me if I haven't got exactly the same cover for £67 ... still with Green Flag!! No dragged-out phone call with the "valued customer/we'll see what we can do". Just a simple online quote and purchase. Every day is a school day. 👍
  9. They claim to be the country's largest publisher but their,so-called, journos can't even name the locality correctly.
  10. 24/00884/FUL | Demolition of existing club house and ancillary structures, and the redevelopment of the site to create a 5,070 capacity outdoor stadium with ancillary facilities; 3G artificial football pitch and pavilion; cricket field and pavilion; multi-purpose indoor sports hall; groundsman's store; and provision of a park and ride facility; with associated access, landscaping, car parking and infrastructure | Sheffield Transport Sports Ground And Club Greenhill Main Road Sheffield S8 7RH
  11. I can show you plenty of junctions where drivers create their own bottlenecks. The classic being traffic lights with a short cycle to let cars across the main road. Typical cycle will be enough to get 5 or 6 cars across on a green. So two lanes there but all choose to sit in the one lane, ensuring only six cars get across. Instead of using both lanes, getting 12 cars across and filtering back into one lane on the other side.
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