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  1. This is a bit of a grey area me thinks, however some of the replys here i find more concerning. Scrapping is a big thing right now and I don't see it's theft from the skip company unless they take the actual skip??? It goes to landfill... why are people bringing up the dole?? What are you suggesting... what proof do you have that they draw a dole check aswell as scrapping. More info is needed to have an informed opinion. Was the skip behind a locked fence? Or was it just on the street, a driveway? Did the skip have a lid that can be locked? Don't criminalise people when you only have half a story and make stuff up in your head about how they are ripping off the social aswell. That attitude and stereotypical bigotry is much more concerning than the original story. Hopefully this ridiculous attempt to make criminals out of people for this will be thrown out before it gets to court. This is what the police are doing with our tax money.... shameful. Even finding something is theft now? And no you don't have to be licensed to scrap metal... any member of the public can scrap metal.. according to some comments here my metal detecting hobby is I now over because that's theft.. I think people are assuming the worst here, obviously if it was a skip full of only copper and locks broken to get to it that's different. And fyi trespassing is not a criminal matter.... unless this is an actual theft where they have actually broken locks gates or whatever steal from a skip obviously from private property then it's just a civil matter and not criminal at all.
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