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  1. Now the person has been charged lets hope the judge lifts restrictions on naming to end the speculation. He turns 18 very soon allegedly so hopefully the identity of this violent piece of scum will soon be known either way. If the photos doing the rounds are real (doubtful) he certainly isn't 17.
  2. You have edited your post, you can see the original in my quoted post, you've replaced "public transport improvements" with something mentioning Amey's budget which fitted in with what you were saying later - I see you 🤣
  3. Anything happened with this yet, bedroom fantasy, make believe Kieran McGuire doesn't seem too confident of it. It all sounds a bit more Mmobuosi than Mansour.
  4. Exactly, the good tradesmen are like Dads Army at the moment.
  5. There's an absolutely chronic shortage of building inustry personnel, I doubt these targets will be met unless they are just going to throw up cheap flats everywhere that will be a blight on wherever they are built.
  6. I've heard a rumour that if we don't match what Troyes are asking (too much) he could return on another loan deal.
  7. Saying someone is spouting nonsense when you've gone back and edited your post, don't worry the original when you said it went towards public transport improvements is still highly visible in the post where I quoted you 🤣 on that basis and the amount of flip flops you've done since I'll assume you're making it up as you go along. It was me who mentioned affluent areas btw, perhaps address your question to the person who did and you might get an answer 👍😂
  8. Like I said earlier its being taken away from people who have paid into the system and worked all their lives an given to people who haven't bothered, despicable.
  9. Now you've changed yourtune, you said it was for public transport related improvements, now your saying it's highway improvements, so I'll again - highways need regular maintenance/repairs so is the money which is budgeted for this still being used with this additional money on top, if so when do these improvements come to fruition, the roads are the worst they've been in my lifetime.
  10. Just for the benefit of the Labour supporters on here one of their pre-election pledges (lies) was that the winter fuel payment would remain, why do we continually fall for this rubbish.
  11. Like I said before I'm not interested in your mumbo jumbo at where funding comes from, it has no relation to the point I'm making whatsoever, bus stops, shelters, signage, lighting etc etc needs repair and maintenance no matter where the money comes from so some monies must be allocated to this from whatever label you want to put on that particular pot, if the new money from fines is now usd for this instead then where does the original money now go or is it added to make a really big difference, if the latter is correct when will we actually see the benefits of this increase in spending, for the record before you start with your meaningless spiel I run a very succesul maintenance department that serves many local institutions so I know exactly what's required and how it works.
  12. I'm not really bothered where the funding comes from what I'm saying is bus stops/routes need repairs, maintenance always have always will so if the money from fines in now allocated to this where did the money come from before, from my observations I don't see any major changes from when this fine money wasn't available.
  13. That isn't really an insult it what your making yourself look.
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