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Zach Clay

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  1. Yeah I thought diarrhea was one of the biggest killers back in those days....you literally poop yourself to death But no mention of that either
  2. Dont be silly......we cant deport anyone "An Albanian paedophile who raped a 15-year-old schoolgirl but cannot be deported out of the UK has bragged that he has 'no worries here' and is happy he can't go back home because 'there are lots of bad people there'. Asylum seeker Gjin Gjergji, now 52, claimed to be fleeing war-torn Kosovo when he arrived in the UK in 2000 - and has lived on hand-outs ever since. But after his rape conviction in 2015 it emerged that he was in reality one of hundreds of Albanians who had falsely claimed to be Kosovan to win refugee status." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13263551/Paedophile-raped-schoolgirl-15-deported-UK-Albania-brags-Ive-got-no-worries-says-hes-glad-lots-bad-people-there.html
  3. He was right about the Europe looking like Birmingham though But diversity is our strength so its only going to be a good thing
  4. No i dont think thats the strategy As we've seen with ULEZ you could drive a challenger tank through London.....just as long as you pay the ULEZ charge Its all about the money and every city and town will have ULEZ within the next 5 years Then they will introduce a charge per mile
  5. Sheffield City Council - "Its for public safety and the climate change crisis"
  6. Its the same thing with those dozy 60 year old women divorcees who go on holiday to Turkey and end up marrying a 21 year old waiter But they never live in Turkey.....they always want to come live in the UK
  7. Put a sign on it saying "Please do not steal" It'll be gone within 5 mins
  8. Just a fraction of what we have given the world... Reflecting telescope: Isaac Newton, 1668 Seed drill: Jethro Tull, 1701 Marine chronometer: John Harrison, 1761 Spinning frame: Richard Arkwright, 1768 Toothbrush: William Addis, c. 1770 Soda water: Joseph Priestley, 1772 Hydraulic press: Joseph Bramah, 1795 Steam engine: Richard Trevithick, 1801 Glider: George Cayley, 1804 Tension-spoked wheel: George Cayley, 1808 Tin can: Peter Durand, 1810 Modern fire extinguisher: George William Manby, 1818 Electric motor: Michael Faraday, 1821 Waterproof material: Charles Macintosh, 1823 Cement: Joseph Aspdin, 1824 Passenger railway: George Stephenson, 1825 Lawnmower: Edwin Beard Budding, 1827 Photography: William Henry Fox Talbot, 1835 Electric telegraph: Charles Wheatstone & William Cooke, 1837 Chocolate bar: JS Fry & Sons, 1847
  9. More like 100 years Empires and Civilisations have come and gone and the west as we know it today will be unrecognisable by the end of the century Europe is being colonised
  10. Build a new 60,000 capacity stadium and share it Then eventually when you both are on the edge of bankruptcy you can merge to become 'Sheffield City FC'
  11. Im not Jack If my name rhymes with someone else's then its purely coincidental
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